Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My perspective on Healing

After sending out the last update I received an email asking me to pray for an individual. Which I will of course, but it is more fun if you get to. So I have put together a quick reference card :) on my view of healing. I will better it later but some of you don't have time, people are sick.
If we all believe what Christ has for his Bride then we don't need specialist.

A simple straight forward version, I typed out over lunch.

First, I believe it is the Lords will to always heal. Not everyone is healed, but I do believe it is his will. Just like it is his will that "none should perish but all come to repentance", though not all do, but that is his will.

Second, God has allowed Satan to control this world (1 John 5:19). Adam and Eve gave over the control. That doesn't mean God's hands are tied behind his back b/c he defeated the enemy on the Cross (which is where we receive Salvation and Healing from, the second Adam "fixed" what the first Adam destroyed) it is now our role (the Bride who co-labor with Christ) to make on earth what is a reality in the Heavens. "My will on earth as it is in Heaven"

Third, God has given us all power and authority to push back the darkness and bring his Kingdom.

Fourth, the thief kills, steals and destroys. So when I pray for someone, I am not asking what is God's will (I believe Scripture is clear on what he desires, this is different then asking God for wisdom or insight into the situation) I am commanding (in Christ) the enemy (and his effects, back pain, sickness, etc.) to move/be gone/let go (how ever you want to say it).

Fifth, If I see things as spiritual and not physical the battle becomes much easier. We can open deaf ears because it is the result of sin and the enemy, not God. I see it as telling the demon to leave/move, get off their ear!

Six, It is believing what the Lord has said, despite our circumstances. It is so easy that non-Christians can perform miracles, prophecy and cast out demons (Matt 7) it takes faith. But we can do it and have relationship so we don't end up in hell. Praise the Lord.

Hope that gives some perspective. Pray with confidence b/c you know Jesus (he knows you) and he has disarmed the enemy.



Serenity said...

AMEN! Just do it! Fear holds us back from so much.
And AMEN to the last post too! So, so excited to hear about all that God is doing over there!
Miss you and love you guys

Melissa said...

Wow! Thank you so much for this post and for sharing. I think most people just don't know what to say and so they are afraid of saying the wrong thing. Really we just need our faith in Jesus. Blessings on you guys!
Brian and Missy Claar