Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Glory Shadows

I have been meditating these last few weeks on God's presence in us through the Holy Spirit. What do people see when they look at us? Is there an "aura" around us? When I walk pass someone do they feel a "presence"? Is the Holy Spirit that tangible, that present in my life? Can the glory of God be evident at the grocery store? Can our shadow, like Peters, heal people when we walk across them (Acts 5:15)?

What about when people look into my eyes? Do they see peace, depth, compassion, love? "The eyes are a window into the soul" Proverbs says.

In 2 Corinthians 3 Paul describes the New Covenant being so much more glorious than the Old Covenant. "The Old Covenant etched in stone led to death, yet it began with such glory that the people of Israel could not bear to look at Moses' face. . . shouldn't we EXPECT far greater glory when the Holy Spirit is giving life? In fact, the first glory was not glorious at all compared with the OVERWHELMING glory of the new covenant" (3:7-8).

Have we ever been overwhelmed with the glory of God? Can people spiritually "sensitive" see what is going on around us? Ezekiel says, God's glory is a weight, a sphere within sphere, with translucent colors (Ez.1). My friends son (5) walked up to me one day with his hands cupped, looking as if he was holding a ball. He went on to depict Ezekiel's description of God's glory without knowing it. I asked him if he had seen these "glory spheres" before. "Yes, all the time", was his humble reply.

If the old covenant started with glory but led to death, then it makes sense the new covenant would start with death and led to glory. When the glory of God is present sickness is healed, demons are cast out and we are changed. Ephesians explains, "the church is his body; it is filled by Christ, who fills everything everywhere with is presence" (Eph. 1:23).

"If the old covenant, which brings condemnation, was glorious, how much more glorious is the new covenant, which makes us right with God! In fact, that first glory was not glorious at all compared with the overwhelming glory of the new covenant. . . the new covenant, which remains forever, has far greater glory. Since the new covenant gives us such confidence, we can be very bold" (2 Cor. 3:9-12).

The question is obvious, how do we allow the Holy Spirit to dwell in us so potently the world "senses" God in us? Paul gives us insight, "as the Spirit of the Lord works in us, we become more and more like him and REFLECT his GLORY even more" (3:18).

Should people look at us and be overwhelmed with the glory of God we display? Shouldn't it be evident "that God no longer dwells in things made my human hands" (Acts 17:24) rather he dwells within us?

Let us reflect the glory of God so much more people are overwhelmed with his presence when we cross paths.

As for why my shadow is not pulling people off the pavement? Simple, in Oregon, there is no sun!


Friday, May 23, 2008

4 Lockes & 1 Truax

Are you sent?

During a prayer meeting last Friday night, a friend asked all who were present, “Are you sent?” Many of us responded with a “yes”. Towards the end of the meeting, he brought the question back up pointing to a scriptural truth. If the Lord sends us, then those who receive us are also receiving the Lord. Much like when we receive a prophet we receive a prophet’s reward. He was wrestling with what it looks like to receive the Lord by receiving one who is sent.

At that time I was so focused on speaking at a Church about the supernatural, I failed to see the bigger picture the Lord was revealing to me. (I tend to catch things a bit late.) It hit me. We are not simply moving out of our barn, staying with friends for a few weeks in Washington and heading down to California for my brothers graduation, because we have no place to live. The Lord is sending us out.

Before returning from Africa only 3 months ago, the Lord impressed upon us traveling in the near future. At that time, it was due to our living arrangements . . . we thought. Once we got to Oregon, we were so exhausted spiritually, emotionally, and physically, we couldn’t even imagine trying to travel for months on end. We clung to the idea of stability. Maybe we began to get a bit too settled! Now we need to leave in June instead of July like we originally anticipated!

It’s clearer now. The Lord has set up “appointments” for us to connect, share and pray with people. So this next step is quickly turning into a missionary journey. With different people asking about prayer meetings, we could end up making a loop from Oregon to California to Texas, Colorado, Montana, Washington and back round again. What started out as, “we have no place to live, let’s go stay with relatives” has quickly become another adventure (don’t take it personally mom).

The Lord JUST provided a minivan for us!!! We were just GIVEN a minivan!!!!! I do believe the Lord never tires of shocking our socks off and blessing us beyond our imagination! THANK YOU to the two couples making this happen! June 1st is still our departure date from Oregon up to Vancouver for two weeks. From there, potentially Seattle for 2 weeks to start a prayer meeting, visit relatives and friends. Then we head to California for my brother’s graduation. From there we plan on visiting the many prayer meetings taking place through the ministry of friends. We are not sure how long we will be in each location, we are praying for some significant time at every place or until our hosts kick us out.

“Yes, I am sent.” I can confidently say that. As for what it looks like to receive, I guess you can tell us when we show up at your door.


Monday, May 19, 2008

cheap, efficient, or made out of wood?

What seems like the best use of money (when it comes to needing a car)?

I can either purchase an old beast (mind you I have a family of six) for $2000.00 and spend $15,000 in gas. Or I can spend $15,000 on an "efficient" vehicle and pay $2000.00 in gas. Hmmmm.

Maybe a stagecoach and a few draft horses would be better on the environment. Yet, I'm not sure if the mall has pooper scooper's.


Natural with a whole lot of SUPER!

I was asked to share my "experience"/"understanding" of supernatural gifts at a local church yesterday. It was a courageous step the pastor took in desiring to see the super come upon the natural. I was nervous for what questions he would ask and he was nervous how I would answer.

It was a powerful time and a great reminder concerning the role of Christians today.

If scripture is true about we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who RULE this world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms.

If 1 John 5:19 is correct that the world is under the control of the evil one and "Satan is the god of this world", then poverty, corrupt governments, crime, drugs, depression, sickness, etc. can't be fought with natural tactics.

We are spiritual beings given supernatural gifts to push back the prince of darkness and bring the Kingdom of Light. Christ has given all authority to his body and we know the end of the story (thanks to the book of Revelation). We are therefore called to make what is completed in the supernatural realm a reality in the natural.

So poverty, corrupt governments, crime, drugs, depression, sickness can be won with supernatural authority.


Thursday, May 8, 2008

What's up could be down!

Hey Friends,
Last week I was mulling over the sweet, uneventful update that I was planning to write as soon as I found a few spare moments. I was going to add some cute stories of all the critters we live with in the barn (owls, CUTE, LITTLE mice but MANY of them, bats, birds and their babies under the eaves). But alas, I was too slow! Now I have some adventure to share with ya'll (no, we're not moving to TX, as far as I know!). Grab a coffee cup, this may take awhile. Or just delete if you're sick of our adventures! (Sometimes I wish I could just delete and end up back at normal and predictable! And for those of you just wishing we'd get a job already and BE NORMAL, believe me, we've wanted it, looked for it and begged God for it many times in the last month!)

So here we go. The last 2 months have been full of emotion. . . most of it difficult and complex. Reverse culture shock is real. My kids have adjusted well, all except little Asher. He has shown his insecurity in all the transitions the most. That's another story. But pray for him if you think of it. I was a basket case for 8 weeks (we've only been home 11). Took a good week to recover from jet lag. We were sick for 10 days at the beginning. We've had 2 weeks of family and friends visiting. And now Asher and Elianna are sick again (asher ended up in the ER on Sat. with croup). Add to that, all the catching up with friends and family, homeschool and LONGING for stability topped by Heath's crazy ideas! I'm not good at giving myself grace in all this but my closest friends keep admonishing me to!

It's one thing to have the grand goal of "missionary" before us as we did when we sold our house, moved in with the Truax's TEMPORARILY doing ministry in the day to day, and then finally on our way to Africa. It's noble. It's risky with a family of 5 and pregnant. It's truly adventurous with a few thinking we're ridiculous. But now we're back. The hype is gone. It's like this: when I was leaving Africa, I asked God to give me a picture of what the whole ordeal was for us! He showed me a beautiful picture of a very tall mountain and said, "Plant your flag."

WHAT?!! I didn't do ANYTHING to deserve planting a flag. But he continued to ask me to plant the flag. Then he shared with me how our last couple years was like a big mountain climbing expedition. The year at the Truax's was the training, the preparation. It was exhilarating. Then we started the climb. We were ready, but the higher you climb, the harder it gets. By the time you're near the top, breathing is difficult. Every step is great effort with resting in between. Oxygen is low and your brain is unable to think clearly. It's easy to wonder what the heck you're doing up there. Then if you make it to the top, you plant the flag and have only minutes to "enjoy" the victory before you have to turn around and get off the mountain!

But that's not all. Then you get home and wonder what the heck you're supposed to do with your life now. You just spent years, energy and money preparing for the expedition and now it's done. So that's where we're at. Wondering.

Some days a job sounds great and a pay check even better! Other days, we feel like we aren't released into anything yet so we can't just run to normal for security. Though it may not appear contrary to this, we are NOT being radical for radical's sake! We have felt so very loved by those of you who have continued to be our friends when all the hype is done. Thank you for all who continue to financially give because you believe in Jesus alive in us even if you wonder about us or our flailing position in life! Believe me, this is one of the most humbling, mind boggling places we've been in a long time (at least since we were trying to sell our house 2 1/2 years ago!!). But somewhere deep inside, we know we're not finished!! We know God has something for us to do. We are longing for more of Him, more of His love and direction. We long to fulfill the destiny he has for us, every place we are.

So that's the nutshell. The adventure? Initially we thought we were going to be here in the barn at Canby until the first of July. On Thursday night, we heard that we need to move by the first of June . . . 24 days from now. Thus, the next adventure. We are waiting to find out where we will be next. As of now, we literally have no idea. It's amazing but Heath and I have so much peace in this transition. I know it's because people are praying for us. Please pray that the peace will continue, that Jesus will show us the next step at the right time, that we will be able to help prepare our kids for the next move that most probably won't be our last. They have LOVED being back with their friends and in the familiar of the Portland area. It will be a difficult move for them if we end up traveling or moving away from here.

Before we got back to the States, we thought we may spend 4 months in Oregon, a couple in CA and a couple in MT. Now, we just aren't sure of anything. We are also praying for a vehicle that we can all fit in at the same time! Thanks Grandma and Dad for lending us the car for the past couple months. It's been a life saver!

Traveling? Probably, but not positively. We'll keep you posted as the story unfolds for us. There's a large part of me that would love to find a place to stay for a couple years and part of me that is ready to follow Jesus anywhere. Without the "big vision" of missionary before us anymore, we are finding once again God purifying our hearts and desires even when we aren't sure what side is up and people misunderstand us. So we ask for your grace as we press in to Jesus and hear our next assignment.

Thanks for your support and prayers. We are thankful for you. We'll keep you posted as things unfold!

Love and peace to you in your adventures,
emie for the locke family