Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Giving ourselves into Embarrassment

Giving ourselves into Embarrassment

There was a time when we didn’t have our “own” car for about 10 months. It was an amazing time watching the Lord put the details together. We would use someone’s car and the day before we would have to return it someone would call us and say they were going on vacation or something and we could use their car. There was only one time I ever had to call someone to use his car. Poor Emie took the weight of this because she was working at Starbucks at the time and needed to drive. Then a family allowed us to use their car until we received a permanent one. For the first three months I was so embarrassed to drive this car or should I say boat. It was a great driving car and very comfortable, but it wasn’t up to the image I had with my former SUV. I finally came to peace with the rationalization that I didn’t need to be embarrassed because it wasn’t really my car anyways. So I would get out, tell those looking that it wasn’t mine and that I was just barrowing it. Then I became rather grateful for it. Believe it or not I actually feel in love with it after a family trip down to California.

Praise the Lord we never had to walk, though many times we thought we would have to. Thanks to all those who graciously gave, you know who you are. If we receive a reward for giving a cup of cold water, what will your reward be for a CAR? Hallelujah!

Emie and Abiel are walking now. Unless they get a taxi, it’s all ankle express. In America, at times, it would be very inconvenient and embarrassing to not have a car. I am surprised just how much we have been deceived in believing we “need our own” car, house, toys, etc. The enemy has pushed us into independence and we no longer gain the value of “meeting together constantly and sharing everything we have” (Acts 2:45). It seems to me that God poured himself out on the New Testament Bride in great ways (see Acts 2:47) because they loved being with each other and weren’t embarrassed about what they did or didn’t have! So much so that their attitude was “they felt that what they owned was not their own; they shared everything they had.” It all resulted in “no poverty among them, because people who owned land or houses sold them and brought the money to the apostles to give to others in need” (Acts 4:32, 34). For more on this subject pick up Ronald Sider’s book “Rich Christians in an age of Hunger: Moving from Affluence to Generosity”.
Emie’s time being part of the “deliverance team” was wonderful. She clarified with me that there was more than one group and she was only leading one. She prayed for a few and was able to see individuals set free. She was speaking with one lady and mentioned that if she prayed for her deliverance she would have to give up her connections with the witch doctors. The lady said she was not willing to do it so Emie told her she wasn’t going to pray. Unfortunately the lady left and was never set free (see Matt. 12:43-45).

Emie had an opportunity to go on an outreach into the bush this past weekend. Abiel stayed with our friend Lisa Truax at the base. Emie wasn’t sure if she was to go because she was feeling sick. But the Lord told her to go and gave her insight into what they were going into. She made an immediate connection with a local pastors wife and they were friends. The lady took Emie all around the village to meet all her friends and pray with people. One lady wrapped her baby onto Emie’s back. This was a true sign of acceptance because they are very suspicious of people and their spirits.
Emie was able to teach twice on the love of God at a local Church. She shared how the love of God never leaves us even when we are troubled, in calamity, persecuted, cold, or in danger or threatened with death (Romans 8:35-37).
She was pulled out in front of the crowd during the viewing of the Jesus Film by a drunken grandma who wanted Emie to dance with her. Needless to say Emie was embarrassed and she didn’t dance.
She was able to hold little girls and watch how they slowly melted in her arms as the love of Jesus was pouring into them. She saw miracles happen and Muslims give their lives to Jesus all in one night.
Many of the Africans suffer from migraines due to dehydration. She had taken four bottles of water for the weekend and the Lord told her to give it away. She reminded that Lord that she also needed water and would DIE IF SHE GAVE IT AWAY! He was not as concerned about it as she was (see Mark 8:14-21). He asked her, “Do you give only when you have excess? I want you to give when it costs you and love out of a place of poverty (Mark12:41-44). So she began to give as she saw people in need and the Lord provided water for her through other teammates who had no idea what she was doing! In 2 Corinthians 9:7 Paul tells us that God LOVES the person who gives hilariously. There comes a point, I believe in our giving when we’re having so much fun it makes us laugh and we long to give more. I think we laugh because in giving we see the foolishness of holding!
She had another life changing experience this past weekend, which makes me wonder if I don’t have experiences like these because my life never changes, same ol’, same ol’?
By the time you read this she is ending a three-day fast for more of the Holy Spirit. When she arrived back a Pastor walked up to her and gave her this prophetic word, “If you come back and lock yourself in your room for three days you’ll get more of the Holy Spirit.” Well, who wouldn’t want more of that? She prayed about it (which we should do with prophetic words) and the Lord confirmed it. I get to talk with her tonight so I will hear just how much more she got. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

We believe the Lord is pushing Emie to know what she believes and how to minister it in the midst of people’s doubts and skepticisms. He knows she will carry His cross! So he is lighting her on FIRE! The Lord keeps telling her to receive more fuel, to get as much as she can in faith!
The Lord is also asking Emie how much more control will she give up to him. Just how far will she go to look foolish for him? Where does she draw the line when it comes to being so filled and overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit that she looks drunk to observers (Acts 2:13)? When will she pull the plug because her reputation is too important to lose? When does she stop because the embarrassment is just too much to handle?

Driving that car/boat was the best thing that ever happened to me. I believe embarrassment is an effective tool the enemy uses to keep us meeting our wants/desires/image and hindering us to live “poor/simple” lives (in the worlds eyes). As a result millions of people are starving for Christians to give so they can simply have a meal.
The Lord began speaking to me concerning embarrassment. He said, “Heath you were embarrassed because you thought the car was yours. You only get embarrassed when you think the car is yours, you only get embarrassed when you think the clothes you wear are yours. You only get embarrassed when you think the house you live in is yours. If you think the money you have is yours then you will be embarrassed if you don’t have much of it. You only feel foolish when you believe your life is yours. Heath, if you ever feel embarrassed about what you wear, drive, live in or by looking foolish for me, it only shows that you still control your life. You died to all that when I gave you my Life. This is why I want you (in part) to give until it hurts, give until you come to a place where you would live in poverty in order to advance my kingdom. Give and the embarrassment will leave, because you will receive a far greater possession, eternal wealth” (see Luke 16, but specifically verse, 11).

Well, Emie loves the poor in Africa and desires to live there as soon as the Lord would release us to go. I also cannot wait to go, for those wondering. As she was riding back from her outreach she watched all the villages passing by, it was then she realized she belongs there. She said she doesn’t even feel like a foreigner.

I love Jim Elliot’s most quoted statement; “He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose.

Give until it hurts
Heath, for the Lockes

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

African Christmas with Hotwheels

After HOURS of playing cars, Judah and I have decided that for this Christmas (or as close to it as possible) we are going to collect as many Hotwheels or Matchbox cars and send them to Mozambique for the boys. I remember being there and seeing the boys only getting clothes and teddy bears. Well, we desire to change that. The boys there are very creative and they make their own cars out of anything they can find. The wheels are flip flops they cut out in circles. SO IF YOU DESIRE TO HELP US, CLEAN OUT THE OLD CARS AND WE WILL COME GET THEM! WE ALSO PROMISE TO PLAY WITH THEM TO MAKE SURE THEY WORK! :)

Monday, November 27, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I had a fish head staring me in the eye to say
Happy thanksgiving to me a few minutes ago! I quickly gave it away!
Thanks Lord for ALL your good gifts!

The Kids

It's all about genetics . . . Emie's genetics!

The Audible Voice of God

First, please let me know if you would like to be removed from our email list. We completely understand.
Second, we have grass sprouting up in our front yard. God is good and he has been faithful to bring the “rain” and the reign! There is more than a big brown patch of dirt there is GREEN stuff! For those a bit crossed eyed, this refers to my first email.

Emie and I have emailed a bit over the last few weeks. It has been wonderful to hear all the stories and how the Lord is speaking to her. Though it is so wonderful, my heart was beginning to get restless and I wanted to talk on the phone. So I set out on a determined course to find a way we could talk and one that would not be an exorbitant amount of money. I finally received from Emie a number that I could reach her at. So I purchased an international calling card and dialed as fast as I could. Nothing! So I dialed again, nothing! So I dialed again and again and again. Still nothing was happening. AHHH!

The next day I had a realigned focus, but still nothing was going through. I wondered if she even had the phone on, if I was even dialing correctly, or if the demons in the air where rerouting my call to some little man in Tokyo. Nothing was happening. I even found myself wondering if Emie was behind it all, maybe she didn’t really want to talk with me, so then I was getting frustrated with her (which, by the way, is really stupid and I got over it!).

Then I called the international operator and asked if I had the right number to Pemba. They assured me I did. So I kept dialing. Still there was no connection. Days went by and I had given up hope of actually hearing her voice until December 19th. I phoned the International operator again out of desperation and frustration. They said I wasn’t getting through because I had to use an operator located in Mozambique to contact anyone in Mozambique. “Really? And how much would that cost?” “That would only be $9.48 the first minute and $8.48 every minute after that and a $6 service charge, sir.” “Really?” “Would you like us to go ahead and do that sir and bill it to your phone carrier?” “Ah, NO!”

Three days later Emie actually called me! Praise the Lord . . . except I wasn’t home! Ahhhh!

I had one more option, (uses your computer as a phone). I wasn’t sure if they had to use this famous operator in Moz. also. I emailed them and a few days went by with no reply. I resolved to give it a try even if I wasted the $10 it would cost to get the Skype credit. So I clicked in all the numbers and pushed send. Nothing! I gave it a second try and nothing, a third, then a fourth and still nothing. One last attempt before I told Judah he would have to go to bed.


I love email. It has many positives; one is that it helps us encourage the body of Christ around the world with ease. If you know any missionaries, take a moment to send them an encouraging email. It also allows us to communicate with our spouses when they are on the other side of the world. A major drawback is the personal touch. We miss the body language, eye contact and most importantly, the voice. Jesus tells the Pharisees that they search the scripture because they think it will give eternal life. Then he tells them that it speaks of HIM! They have missed the LIFE of Scripture; it WAS and IS JESUS still today! They got the email but failed to realize who IS the email. Karl Barth (a theologian) says it this way; “The Word became flesh and then through theologians became words again.”
These last few weeks in trying to speak with Emie has given me a greater appreciation for the voice of God. I love the Word of God but I also love the voice of the Holy Spirit. This is why I believe the prophetic is key in the body of Christ, it confirms what the Lord is already “speaking” to us (1 Cor. 14:22). The Word is ALIVE. We are not reading text alone we are reading a person! He can be known through touch, sight, smell, taste and sound. We can hear him. He speaks still today.

Well, my wife still speaks today also even though it had been 26 days (but who’s counting) since I had last heard her voice. It was Emie’s voice on the other side and we rejoiced to finally hear each other. Now I am so addicted, I want to talk with her every day. Another reason why I love the voice of God, it is addicting!
I am actually overwhelmed with what the Lord is saying right now to us. I also don’t know how to share all that Emie and Abiel are experiencing. There is always the need to have context for everything (which is how we should study the Bible, in context) in what I want to pass on to you all. This would end up being a rather large book. I will try to give highlights.

Emie and Abiel still love it and are more confident now than ever that they don’t want to come home. Emie has four boys she wants to adopt now (I have attached a picture of Adelino below, the one I first wrote about).
Abiel is making effort to connect with the Africans and is enjoying playing with them. Adelino has helped in getting her more comfortable. She is not sure about eating rice all the time, but that seems to be the only thing holding her down. Emie is really trying to give Abiel the most realistic picture of an African child’s life. As a result they have only eaten at a restaurant once. Abiel loves climbing the massive trees. The other day on the phone she told Judah he had to come to Africa because she gets dirty and then swims in the ocean that is warm all the time. “You’ll love it Judah!”

Emie has had many wonderful times with the Lord. Many times she has been laid out on her face in worship and rose to realize hours had past. In these times the Lord has given her visions for her, our family and brought clarification on visions she has had in the past. He is speaking to her very clearly and she is soaking it all in.

This past week Iris Ministries was having a conference with 3,000 people in attendance. They all stayed on the base where Emie and Abiel are staying. They asked the students to pray about being apart of a deliverance team to pray with people. Emie prayed about it and felt the Holy Spirit told her to be apart of it. The next day she was slandered by a housemate in front of her other house mates. After that she had decided not to be on the team, it was just too much. The following day an Iris staff member came to Emie and said they wanted her to lead the deliverance team. Ahhhh! She knew she was called there to minister, so knowing God was leading her she accepted the “position”. I am not sure what has happened, but I can’t wait to hear the stories. Ahhhh! I love the fact the Jesus has disarmed the evil rulers and authorities by his death on the cross (Col. 2:15). We are fighting an armed less enemy, now that makes things a lot easier.

Here are a few stories she has shared with me through email: Read cautiously, you just might find yourself living in Mozambique one day! OK, I just have to give you an insight into what is happening there in Moz. What is taking place is unheard of in Church history. Over 1 million Muslims have come to Christ, over 7,000 Churches have been planted and over 85 people have been raised from the dead. This is not including all the miracles, signs and wonders and the 12,000 people they feed everyday and all this in less than 10 years. Bill Johnson says it best; “We can’t have the same results the New Testament Church had if we are more devoted to a book they didn’t have than to the Holy Spirit they did have.” We must learn to hear the voice of God and obey in faith. We must become confident in the fact that the sheep really do HEAR the Shepard’s VOICE! Amen!

OK back to the stories from Emie:
*** The Heather Clark’s song “Price of Love” and the lines "I have grieved and walked away in silence. But I have learned to be free. I have stared into the face of injustice, but I have learned to be free.” Many situations cause me to grieve and the injustices are sometimes overwhelming but I have to learn to be free. I'm in process.
One night I was saying goodnight to Adelino and one of the more ornery boys was teasing him, then the house mom joined in laughing along with other boys and Adelino was extremely hurt. I was crying as he cried and I prayed as I tried to talk about forgiving and the jealousy of Marcell that causes his torment. But the injustice was more than I could take. I asked Adelino if he wanted me to stay away so he wouldn't be teased and he emphatically answered, “NO, please come!”
Things have mellowed as I have taken on more of the boys, but it is just overwhelming at the reality of these children having no one to tuck them in, kiss them goodnight, rub their backs, look them in the eyes to say I LOVE YOU, or put Band-Aids on wounds that aren't a big deal. I make the boys look me in the eyes when I tell them I love them. Only Adelino will look me square in the eyes. All the others struggle with this intensely, but I still try to make them. I want them to see Jesus in my eyes.

*** One day Jesus said, "Let the Son pour into you today. Just receive today. You will always be giving if you're truly receiving from me”

*** One day I was sitting appreciating the breeze and thinking about how much I hate the wind at home. I asked the Lord why and he said, "The closer you get to the son, the more intense the heat and you welcome the wind! As it is in the spiritual realm, the closer you get to My Son, the more intense the heat and fire and you will welcome more of my Spirit, no matter what it looks like or if you have despised Him before.

There is so much more to share that it would be to confusing without pages of context. All this to say God is pouring out more of himself in Emie and Abiel as they have obediently walked in faith to receive more of His Kingdom. Faith to the world is absurd but to God it’s what pleases him. It is like a man who found a treasure hidden in a field; he went and sold all he had to purchase the field. At times people look at us Christians and laugh because all they see is dirt, but we know what is buried in that dirt. So we smile and wave back. Don’t ever be ashamed of your plot of dirt, because you gave up everything to get it. We have faith the world can’t comprehend, they can’t see, they can’t grasp. It is our confidence and our evidence (Heb. 11:1). It has substance to it; we can hang on by it and receive hope from it. So read HIS “email” to obtain more faith (Rom. 10:17) and if it takes awhile to hear his audible voice, keep dialing!

Heath Locke 11/06

Mom wants you! Africa Update #2

I knew when my siblings come running towards me yelling, "mom wants you!" it wasn't good! I had probably done something wrong and they ran to get me in trouble. We all know that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, that is not the route I took!
I love the Gospel of Mark in the Bible because he gets to the point and gets there fast! Before we end the first chapter we learn that Jesus is baptized, tempted, casting out many demons, healing the sick, preaching with authority and sets a man free from leprosy. Jesus' fame has over taken Galilee, so much so that he must stay in secluded or lonely places. By the time we get to chapter three the Pharisees are already discussing plans to kill him. It doesn't "look good" for Jesus and to make matters worse he is sent word that his mother wants to talk to him!
I was pondering the other day if I would want a big house with a small yard or a small house with a big yard. It's a dumb question but I was driving by big houses with small yards and it had to be settled in my mind. I chose the big yard. In America it seems that the size of our families have decreased while the size of our homes have increased. It also seems that the size of the Locke family is increasing (now I got your attention).
Well, I am a bit behind because I have now received three emails from Emie and this is only the second one you have received from me. Sorry for the laziness or was it exhaustion? I actually am doing great and see how instrumental this time is for the boys and me. I know the Lord has me with Judah to bring out Christ in him at his age. He has become more obedient (can I get an AMEN?!), has bonded more with me and feels more at peace with living in Africa, if the Lord wills it. He also has realized his sister will not be around to pick up for him.
Asher just loves following me around. He grabs any tool to assist me. He is a working machine and should I forget, an EATER! I have never seen a little tyke eat so much. The Locke boys are doing great and for sure missing mom. Judah asked when Mom was coming home from Africa (he hasn't wondered when Abiel was coming, must by a sibling thing) and I said 6 more weeks. He pondered that for a minute and then blurted out, "that's not very long at all", as he counted to six. I had to give the missing information that there are 7 days in a week. "Oh, what does that mean?"

Emie and Abiel are in their element, though not without little adjustments. Abiel at times seems reserved with the African children because of the language barrier, but does make an effort to play with them. She has been blessed with her 7-year-old friend, Katherine and they are an answer to each other’s prayers. Abiel is soaking up Heidi. She sits at her feet every time she teaches and takes it all in. Heidi has prayed over her and Katherine several times. The other day in class the adults prayed over all the kids. Abiel was overwhelmed with the presence of God and told Emie, "I felt like falling over. Mom if you weren't standing behind me, I would have fallen over!" The day before, her and Katherine were on their faces in the front worshiping and Katherine actually went to heaven and told her dad about it and her dad shared the experience with the school. God truly does give us children so we become like them in faith not so they become like us in intellect. If we don't, we can't enter heaven! (Matt.18:3)

We all know that a house doesn’t create a family any more than sex creates intimacy! I read the other day that; “Judas wanted intimacy without covenant; that’s why he left supper during communion and then betrayed Jesus with a kiss.” Then he went and told on him. So what is family and why does Jesus tells us we most not love our children more than him? In part because I tend to not obey the Lord when it comes to how it will affect my children. Do I go to Africa, move in with another family, minister to the homeless, live without an income and tell my kids it’s not about them? Yes, Yes, Yes! We can have “family” without a house and intimacy without sex. We can give up everything that the world values and receive it now and later a hundred times over (Mark 10:29-30) O, how the enemy has fed us a lie.
So Jesus’ family wants to talk to him because he is only “three chapters into this ministry” thing and it’s not looking good. He has gone a little to far and his family is embarrassed.
“Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?” This is Jesus’ reply but I know it would not have work on my mom. “These are my mother and brothers. Anyone who does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.” (Mark 3:33-35, see also Matt. 23:8)
So how is the Locke family growing? Well, this is how Emie shared it with me. “One of the major themes the Lord is working in me is laying down our children and my ideals of "family." The Lord keeps asking me to put the kids on the altar. The first week it was grueling for me, yesterday it wasn't so difficult. I'm continuing to let the Lord readjust my ideas of family and loving my kids and parenting and what I'm teaching them about family. The Lord really convicted me that we need to be teaching our children that FAMILY is all our brothers and sisters in the Lord. We are doing them a great disservice by teaching them that our family is the 5 of us. Speaking of family, I have found our oldest son and I have no idea how I will be able to leave him. He is 11 years old and lives on this base. He is the sweetest boy I've ever met. His name is Adelino (addaleenoo). As I lay at the altar yesterday with the picture of the kids, Adelino was right next to me. My hands were anointed and as I wrestled with giving up our kids, and finally came to peace again, the Lord then said to anoint Adelino's feet with the oil on my hands as a representation of our first child added to our family. He is precious. Abiel loves him also. Our house went out to dinner tonight and I took him with us because he is my boy! He had a great time!” It looks like by the time Emie arrives back from Africa I will need a big yard AND a big house.

The Lord had a powerful time with Emie the second day of class and removed any trace of pride so she could be free to minister. And she is! Two staff members have come and spoken with her saying she is there to minister, be prayer support and set people free. Emie doesn’t need any more than that! She is off and running. Please continue to pray for her as she walks in obedience and brings Jesus’ will on earth as it is in heaven.
Last weekend they took volunteers on an evening outreach and Emie went. She was a bit apprehensive but shared it was the most awesome experience. Here are her words; “I didn't want to go back. Yes, we saw a few miracles but the greatest miracle was getting to be incarnational love to these people! AHHHHHHH, how will I come home! Only for you and the boys! While praying during the Jesus film with my team and for the pastors the power of God was so strong on me I couldn't handle it! I have never been whipped around like I was that night and when I would lay hands, the Spirit would just flow.”

The joke when I was a kid was we had four dishwashers, my three siblings and me. Emie has determined to find the road to authority and that is through serving her “family”. I know she didn’t write this so everyone would know but I am her husband and I am proud of her, so I will brag. Here is what she wrote, “I've been doing lots of dishes in the kitchen. I just want to be a blessing here you know. So yesterday, I did EVERY DISH in the whole kitchen! As lunch was finishing, there was no running water and the reserves they had were also gone. Just as the guy looked at me and started to say, "No Water," the water started running again and everyone started clapping and cheering! Consequently I had two hours of dish duty! Today, I was doing breakfast dishes and there was a huge fire in the kitchen and we all ran out coughing from the fire extinguisher! Quite the excitement!
It gets better check this out! “Oh, other highlight of my day! I volunteered for latrine duty every Friday morning! Scooping poop, scrubbing them down!” She is the real deal folks!

To this day there are no blades of grass pushing through the dirt, but not for lack of rain. Emie wrote, “Oh about the water thing. Either the first or second day of class, Lesley Anne ended and the worship team came up and she started to sing "Open the flood gates of heaven, let it rain. Let it rain." Within minutes there was a torrential down pour, comparative to the pictures you (Heath) brought back of your rainstorm! It has been the only rain we've had since we got here.” The Gospel is enough and Jesus promised we would have everything we need for life and godliness; water, fertilizer (we all know what that is) and plenty of sonshine! I guess that is why Jesus trusts the seed more than the soil.

Well, Emie says she wants to stay in Africa, but she did promise to come back and get us “boys” first. I know our mothers think Emie and I are crazy, they are clear on that one! But this we know, we can’t get in trouble this time because we haven’t done anything wrong!

Heath, for part of the “family” that bears the last name Locke!