Friday, June 5, 2009

Quick thoughts

Sorry it has been so long . . . blah blah . . .

Of course all of you Facebookers will keep up to date with my wife and thus hear a quick on the fam.

Life is going great. We love our home and fields of Ag all around us.
Finally feeling like we are settling in.

I have been busy (late nights) creating a video of a local company. Finished last night or about 1am this morning.

Ministry is going awesome and I feel bad we have not shared any stories.
I got to pray for a co-worker a few weeks back who was laying his head on the desk in intense migraine, sinus, and neck pain. He was only at work because he was head on vacation towards the end of the week and had to get his stuff done.
I asked to pray for him, he said sure (quick version). I prayed and he said it had gone down from a 7 pain level to a 5. So I prayed again, then he jumped up and yelled get away from me Heath you're a weirdo (half serious/half joking).
He was stunned because all the pain (and everything else attached to it) instantly left.
He sat there in silence and disbelief. I briefly shared the gospel of the Kingdom and smiled because once again Heaven had invaded earth.

Bless you all and until I write more stay socially connected with Emie on Facebook.

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