Wednesday, November 14, 2007

She's here, she's here!

I am now the proud papa of four beautiful kids.

Elianna came out FASSST, very Fast. SO fast we almost didn't get Emie
on the bed in time. After two hours of light contractions (after
inducing) Emie was standing leaning on the desk. Then there were three
hard contractions where she really had to press through with some
The fourth contraction she starting saying it hurts and had some
groaning and wanted to push. The midwife and I had to almost carry
Emie to the bed, she was in pain (like the rest of them she had no pain medication). We laid her down and the head was
The Doc couldn't get his gloves on fast enough. I opened the door,
Abiel was coming down the hall I said get in here she's coming.
I turned back around and with one push Elianna (our little Tornado of
Grace) made her appearance. It was so fast and I believe Emie would
have had her standing up if it wasn't for her underwear.
Emie was thinking she had about two more hours of pushing and we were
telling her she's out. She couldn't believe it. None of us could.

Elianna Charis Locke was born 6:25pm (South African Time) that would
be 9:25 am pacific standard time on Wednesday Nov. 14th.
Weighted in at 3.2k which is 7.05lbs.
The length, they must not care about it, but her uncle Danny would be
proud, I had to use a carpenters tape measure and she is 19 inches

She is beautiful, looks like a Locke and a lot like your siblings did.
She is our true African American Baby.
The presence of God was in the room and we are still in shock she came
so quickly.



Mrs. Incredible said...

She is so beautiful. God is so good, he brought you to my mind last night and so I prayed that your labor, if you were in labor, was beautiful and quick. Now I pray for God's peace over you and your home right now and that your focus is on resting in Him for a moment.

Love you much!

Unknown said...

YAY!! congrats!!! I was praying that it would go that way. Wish I could be there to see the beautiful new girl but i guess pics will have to do for now :) Love you and miss you all SO much.

Anonymous said...

You two make amazing babies. What a beautiful little girl. Congratulations! We love and miss you both.

The Mays

Andrea said...

Congrats Locke Family we are so excited to welcome your tornado of Grace, praising the Lord in Aurora for you guys and His blessings,

Andrea for the Lemly's