Friday, February 8, 2008

Sacred Covers

It’s hard to believe but I have one flaw. I tell Emie she is lucky to be with a man who has but one small flaw. With all the issues I could wrestle with, I have refined it down to one. I love to sleep in.

For me lying in bed a few more hours after my kids wake pre-dawn is great. I enjoy it, I love it and though I can rise early, I really see no need in it (don’t ask Emie what she thinks please). I relish in meditating with my eyes sealed shut. Pondering the great mysteries of God and asking for more revelation sooths me. Emie doesn’t believe I actually pray during this time but I do. As I doze in and out of consciousness my spirit connects with my Lord.

The reality is I am not a morning person by nature (neither is Emie but someone has to get up with the kids) and would rather stay awake late into the evening in peace. I see sleeping in as my personal alone time (much like I view my bathroom time), my secret place, where no one can bother me. Just me, my pillow and Jesus snoozing away, talk about intimacy. When this secret place is intruded, be afraid be very afraid.

The conflict comes in around 6am (that late if I’m lucky) when the Locke Tribe awakes from their re-freshing, re-energizing, re-lets-wear-our-parents-out night of sleep. They come bounding into the bedroom to wake up papa.
“Wake up papa! Come on get out of bed.” What dreadful words.
“No, leave me alone, I’m praying!”

They never give up, those little rascals. They try harder for a few minutes and resort to making loud noises, which being a professional sleeper by trade doesn’t deter me at all. I stay my course. For hours they will do this, boldly bouncing on my bed proclaiming their intentions of the day. Wanting me to join them in simple games, coloring, watching a video (pagan I know) keeps them focused on their objective.
If none of these tactics work they resort to the ultimate blow for a professional sleeper, his covers. The Sacred Covers are that which separates him from exposure, from relationship, from intimacy, from being well, naked.

I must have a heavy blanket on me to sleep, call it security or insecurity I don’t mind, but if I am to get 8-10 hours of precious sleep, the covers must be in place. They start small to test my attitude. A pull with a giggle begins the descent of comfort. I notice as my shoulders are exposed to the elements and I fight back. I grab and tug with a little grunt to show my resolve to win.

The amazing beauty of kids is they learn fast. They adapt to their surroundings quickly. So they give it some time, waiting until I am asleep again. Watching every move to see me loosen my grip on the veil that separates me from their reality, their life and their games.

Then in one great swoosh the covers are ripped off the bed flung through the air and uselessly lying on the floor. Laughter breaks all silence and I have been exposed (no I don’t sleep naked)! There is nothing to hide and the kids pile on wrestling their papa to life again.

Remember though, once you have awakened the papa and violated that secret place his power is unleashed. Only his kids would ever dare to come so boldly into this space and only his kids would ever dare to experience his power!

“We can boldly enter heaven’s Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus. This is the new, life-giving way that Christ has opened up for us through the sacred “COVER”, by means of his death for us. And since we have a great High Priest who rules over God’s people, let us go right into the presence of God, with true hearts fully trusting him. For our evil CONSCIENCES have been cleansed with Christ’s blood” (Heb. 10:22).

“I no longer count on my own goodness or ability to obey God’s law, But I TRUST Christ to save me. For God’s way of making us right with him DEPENDS ON FAITH! As a result, I can really KNOW Christ and EXPERIENCE the mighty POWER that raised him from the dead” (Phil. 3:9-10).

The sacred covers have been ripped off, happy wrestling!

Step one: Watch the video (Our year in Picture & Song).
Step two: Reread the update
Step Three: Play video again with eyes closed and hear how Jesus has ripped off the covers.

He@th Locke


Kristian and Katy said...

thanks for saying hi! glad to "meet" you guys. i'm excited to read more of your story.
we will look forward to seeing how the Lord works in guiding you through your next decisions, whatever they may be!


Anna said...

you are beautiful, Jesus is beautiful and his work in you is beautiful!
Looking forward to seeing what God has in the next chapter.
love you all!!!

Serenity said...

hey guys,
Avery, Ally and I cried through this whole thing. We are so excited to see you again and hear all the stories straight from your mouths! All our precious kids, they are growing up so beautifully! Avery is so excited to see Judah again, he could barely contain himself when I told him he was coming back very soon! love you all so much.

Mrs. Incredible said...

We are so excited about you guys coming home soon. The kids are jumping up and down when I tell them you guys will be here soon. I see how beautiful it is there in Africa. I see why it is hard to leave. The beauty of the land and the beauty in the hearts of those you have become close to there. I will continue to pray for your leave there and for the trip but most of all, thanking the Lord that we'll see you soon.
Love and prayers,

Emiko said...

Thank you for making that! I loved it. I don't know if you'll have time to catch up when you guys come back, dinner would be awesome!

Aaron M. Denbo, M.Rel said...

You could just tuck the covers tightly underneath you so that they couldn't rip them off...that way you can sleep with the knowledge that you don't have to hold onto the covers with your hands but your body weight (and gravity) is working in your favor...just thoughts from one professional sleeper to another.

Anna says said...

That was beautiful...your pics made me cry!! If you happen to come to Redding, give us a holler!


Anonymous said...

Yup I'd say your losing more of your hair man...

Love ya, can't wait to see you guys!
Uncle Darrell...(yes I'm losing my hair too! ; ) )

Anonymous said...

Loved the video! It makes us more excited to see you ALL!
Praying for health and traveling mercies for your trip back.
Hayley is already anticipating a play-date with the kids. Tyler is looking forward to spending time with Heath and Emie, too!
You have been missed!!

The Fahlgren's