Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
More Locke Blogging
Hey Friends,
If you want to know more about what is happening with the Locke family, check out my blog at I decided to start blogging because I usually have more to say than anyone ever wants to listen to! This way, I can get it out and you can listen if you want and shut me off if you want!! Love and blessings,
If you want to know more about what is happening with the Locke family, check out my blog at I decided to start blogging because I usually have more to say than anyone ever wants to listen to! This way, I can get it out and you can listen if you want and shut me off if you want!! Love and blessings,
Saturday, July 18, 2009
You can do this also (part 1)
I wrestled with how to title this blog. I thought maybe "How to start a Youth Ministry in less than 30 minutes" or "How to reach High School students without pizza" or "The similarities of PB&J and Signs and Wonders."
Instead I left it at, "You can do this too."
God is the same Yesterday, Today and Forever. Which means what we read about in the New Testament is exactly what he desires to pour out today. In addition the testimonies we hear or see is insight into what Jesus still wants to do today (Rev 19:10).
Instead I left it at, "You can do this too."
God is the same Yesterday, Today and Forever. Which means what we read about in the New Testament is exactly what he desires to pour out today. In addition the testimonies we hear or see is insight into what Jesus still wants to do today (Rev 19:10).
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Healing over the phone!
As I walked into our office on Friday morning a co-worker who quickly mentioned she was in pain created me. “Hmmm” was my first thought.
She had opened her garage door that morning and the cat ran out under her feet. With a girly scream and a quick hop she avoided stepping on the cat. What she did not avoid was landing on one of her daughter’s roller blades. Her feet went straight out from under her, which flung her up and then down onto the other roller blade. Thus came the pain and tears and a house filled with commotion.
“I should pray for her,” was my second thought and third thought and fourth thought. But for some reason I never said anything.
I eventually went back to my office and pondered why I hadn’t prayed for her. I was actually really nervous to pray for her. It was an odd feeling. I wasn’t nervous that God wouldn’t heal her but more on the setting (at work). I wasn’t sure what to do or how to go about it.
A few hours went by of nervousness and I finally was fed up with it. I instant messaged her and asked her how the pain was. She said it was bad. I asked if I could pray for her (I prayed for her about 8 months ago and her sinus’ instantly cleared up). She said yes.
I told her I would be there in a few minutes, mainly because I was really nervous. I had to get my mind focused. Once I determined it was nothing I walked over to her office.
By the time I arrived she had someone in there. More nervousness.
I walked into the sales office and mentioned to a friend that I was going to pray for so & so. He asked if I was doing that now because we were to go pick up a company vehicle out at the nursery. I said well let’s go and I will pray for her when I get back.
I was still nervous.
Driving back to the office I begin to renew my mind to the truth so that by the time I arrived at the office I was ready.
I walked into the main office rounded the corner to her office and she wasn’t there. She had left for the day to go to the doctor.
What? I had missed the opportunity to see the Kingdom of God invade her world. My nervousness had won.
I put my tail between my legs and walked back to the sales office defeated.
I will call her on the phone. I grabbed my phone and rang her. She answered and we clarified what had happened and how we missed each other.
She was sitting in the doctor’s office waiting to be seen. I asked if I could pray for her now, she said, sure.
I asked her what her pain level was and she mentioned it was at least an 8 or 8.5 (10 being unbearable). I told her to place her hand on the area of pain. I prayed this, “Jesus thank you for (her name). In Jesus name I command this pain to leave right now! Thank you God.”
Do feel anything?
Well, I don’t know. Let me see if I can do something I couldn’t before. Oh my gosh Heath it’s gone. I can touch my toes, oh my gosh! Whoa, wow, oh my gosh. No, there is no pain. I guess I don’t need to see the doctor. Oh gosh!
The easy part is know God’s will concerning healing, “My will on earth as it is in heaven.” There is NO pain in heaven.
The hard part is calming my nerves.
Heath Locke
She had opened her garage door that morning and the cat ran out under her feet. With a girly scream and a quick hop she avoided stepping on the cat. What she did not avoid was landing on one of her daughter’s roller blades. Her feet went straight out from under her, which flung her up and then down onto the other roller blade. Thus came the pain and tears and a house filled with commotion.
“I should pray for her,” was my second thought and third thought and fourth thought. But for some reason I never said anything.
I eventually went back to my office and pondered why I hadn’t prayed for her. I was actually really nervous to pray for her. It was an odd feeling. I wasn’t nervous that God wouldn’t heal her but more on the setting (at work). I wasn’t sure what to do or how to go about it.
A few hours went by of nervousness and I finally was fed up with it. I instant messaged her and asked her how the pain was. She said it was bad. I asked if I could pray for her (I prayed for her about 8 months ago and her sinus’ instantly cleared up). She said yes.
I told her I would be there in a few minutes, mainly because I was really nervous. I had to get my mind focused. Once I determined it was nothing I walked over to her office.
By the time I arrived she had someone in there. More nervousness.
I walked into the sales office and mentioned to a friend that I was going to pray for so & so. He asked if I was doing that now because we were to go pick up a company vehicle out at the nursery. I said well let’s go and I will pray for her when I get back.
I was still nervous.
Driving back to the office I begin to renew my mind to the truth so that by the time I arrived at the office I was ready.
I walked into the main office rounded the corner to her office and she wasn’t there. She had left for the day to go to the doctor.
What? I had missed the opportunity to see the Kingdom of God invade her world. My nervousness had won.
I put my tail between my legs and walked back to the sales office defeated.
I will call her on the phone. I grabbed my phone and rang her. She answered and we clarified what had happened and how we missed each other.
She was sitting in the doctor’s office waiting to be seen. I asked if I could pray for her now, she said, sure.
I asked her what her pain level was and she mentioned it was at least an 8 or 8.5 (10 being unbearable). I told her to place her hand on the area of pain. I prayed this, “Jesus thank you for (her name). In Jesus name I command this pain to leave right now! Thank you God.”
Do feel anything?
Well, I don’t know. Let me see if I can do something I couldn’t before. Oh my gosh Heath it’s gone. I can touch my toes, oh my gosh! Whoa, wow, oh my gosh. No, there is no pain. I guess I don’t need to see the doctor. Oh gosh!
The easy part is know God’s will concerning healing, “My will on earth as it is in heaven.” There is NO pain in heaven.
The hard part is calming my nerves.
Heath Locke
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Emie's Update
Hey everyone! Thought I'd come out of hiding again and give you a quick update on all that has been happening around here for the Locke family. We are continuing to LOVE and ENJOY our season of rest.
With the help of our friends, the Coulombes who came to visit for 3 weeks, we made and planted a beautiful little garden. Judah is in heaven as he has been longing for a garden for a couple years now! He is thrilled with the peppers, tomatoes, flowers on the melon plants, and the corn that is taller than he is! He's also thrilled that the world of words is FUN now and not the effort it has been almost all year! It's fun to hear him read every sign he passes!
Asher is growing and enjoying catching every bug, lizard, bird egg that falls from a tree, tadpole, frog, slug, snail, caterpillar, roly poly bug, you name it, he'll catch it, bring it in a jar and beg to keep it in the house!!! NO! He is learning how to be just as aggravating as his big brother and I'm no longer sure who's to blame in the sibling rivalry!! He can hold his own really well. Watch out Judah. Pray for Asher's immune system. He is the one who seems to get every germ that comes around and it hits him hard. We just had a round of sickness and he is still trying to fight off a fever (we're on day 5), sore throat, throwing up, headache, stuffy nose and all the rest of it! He's been better natured through this sickness than ever before, so that helps.
Elianna is full of life and personality! She is finally becoming more independant and not needing mommy to hold her as much as before (which was pretty much all day every day!!). She's talking like crazy and repeating everything we say! One day she had a snotty nose and I said, "Can you say booger?" "JUDAH" instantly came out of her mouth!!! I had a good laugh with that one! Judah is her favorite word to say! It may be because it's the word she most frequently hears me say!!! :-) She loves the chickens, weeding the garden with me (though I loose a few plants every time!), playing in the dirt and splashing in water. Every morning she climbs out of her crib, comes into my room and brings me my flip flops and glasses, smacks her lips, and stands there until I get her breakfast!! See Heath, who needs a dog?! :-)
Abiel is a beautiful young lady almost ready to turn 10! She is loving swim lessons, and dreaming about her summer that is full of fun! She is able to go to a summer camp that I went to as a kid and also a small camp in Oregon. She's looking forward to possibly taking ballet classes this fall and getting involved in 4-H. She continues to be my most social child and can make friends in the span of 3 seconds flat! It's pretty fun to watch. I don't know what I'd do without her. She is precious and extremely helpful.
So that's the kiddos. Heath is keeping busy by learning some new skills in videography and photography. He had the opportunity to be hired to do a promotional video for a local company and it turned out incredible. It seems God is opening some avenues for Heath to incorporate more of his artistic abilities into some of his dreams for the future. I'm really excited for him. He continues to be a blessing and light in his work place and pretty much where ever he goes. Though this isn't his ideal place in life, he is very much alive and moving forward with what God puts before him. He is a faithful man of God who works hard and brings Jesus whether he is in formal ministry or the business world. By the way, his birthday is June 28th. He loves encouragement as we all do, so if you think of it, send him an email and let him know how much you appreciate him!
I am in resting heaven!! I never thought I'd be able to say that raising four kids is resting!! But I guess after the chaotic life of our previous years, I'm able to say this is a piece of cake, comparatively! Heath does a great job of giving me breaks. About once a month, I spend the night at our friends house for some peace, quiet, and soaking time with Jesus. It has been so healing for me. This weekend, I am going away for 2 nights to just BE! I don't even know what I'll do with all that time and space, but I plan on enjoying every moment with Jesus all to myself!
As I feel like I'm coming to life, I'm being able to "see" the world around me again. As everywhere, there is a fairly large homeless population in the area. Several weeks ago, Serenity and I (when the coulombes were still visiting) met a lady named Laurie. She needed help with food. So we were able to take her to the grocery store and bless her. She also very humbly shared that she was sleeping in her car and at the moment it was stranded in the Walmart parking lot, needing a new water pump. I told her I'd be back in a couple days to help her with it and gave her my number. The next day the kids and I decided to meet Heath for dinner at In -n- Out Burger. As I walked in, there was Laurie. I grabbed her and gave her a big hug and said, "Hey Jesus really wants us to be friends! Do you want to have dinner with us?" And that was the beginning of my friendship with Laurie.
Over the last several weeks, I have met with Laurie for a few meals. I'm learning who she is. I'm hearing her needs. I'm enjoying just getting to know her and sharing who I am and who Jesus is with her. The other day when we were at lunch together I asked, "Who is Laurie?" She got the most innocent, childlike smile on her face and thought for a long time before responding. It was a precious moment of her just reveling in the fact that someone wanted to know her. Don't we all just want someone to know us?
Today I had the opportunity to help her get to Georgia to see her son graduate from National Guard Basic Training. She called me earlier this week wondering if I could help her get down there. Honestly, I wrestled. It's one thing to buy someone groceries. It's another thing to be someone's friend who has continual need. Just ask anyone who has been the friend of the Locke family.
I wrestled with whether or not I should help. So on the way to meet her, I heard the Lord ask me, "Could you give the money to Me?" "Of course. No problem." And then He answered me with this, "Then just find Me in Laurie's eyes tonight." Wow.
And as I drove I remembered all the times we were in need of getting somewhere and friends listened to Jesus and came through. Why is that any different? Is it more noble to give to a "missionary" than to give to a homeless friend? And again, I was reminded of all the times we've literally been homeless and if not for the generosity of friends and the family of God, we would've slept in our van too. Is it different? Maybe you could argue that the circumstances of homelessness were different. . . or maybe not. I wish you could've seen the joy, light and excitement in her eyes tonight as I sat across from her at In -n- Out, listening to her quiet but excited voice share about how amazed her son will be to see her there! And I had no problem finding Jesus in her eyes right there in that noisy, crowded restaurant.
Thank you Jesus for being among us. Thank you for showing us Your face. Thank you for giving us the privlege of being ministers of reconciliation. Thank you for giving us the job of reflecting Your glory with increasing measure. It is an honor to represent you to the world. Pour out your love into the hearts of Your people so in turn, Your people can pour your love out on the world around them.
We love you all,
emie for the locke fam
With the help of our friends, the Coulombes who came to visit for 3 weeks, we made and planted a beautiful little garden. Judah is in heaven as he has been longing for a garden for a couple years now! He is thrilled with the peppers, tomatoes, flowers on the melon plants, and the corn that is taller than he is! He's also thrilled that the world of words is FUN now and not the effort it has been almost all year! It's fun to hear him read every sign he passes!
Asher is growing and enjoying catching every bug, lizard, bird egg that falls from a tree, tadpole, frog, slug, snail, caterpillar, roly poly bug, you name it, he'll catch it, bring it in a jar and beg to keep it in the house!!! NO! He is learning how to be just as aggravating as his big brother and I'm no longer sure who's to blame in the sibling rivalry!! He can hold his own really well. Watch out Judah. Pray for Asher's immune system. He is the one who seems to get every germ that comes around and it hits him hard. We just had a round of sickness and he is still trying to fight off a fever (we're on day 5), sore throat, throwing up, headache, stuffy nose and all the rest of it! He's been better natured through this sickness than ever before, so that helps.
Elianna is full of life and personality! She is finally becoming more independant and not needing mommy to hold her as much as before (which was pretty much all day every day!!). She's talking like crazy and repeating everything we say! One day she had a snotty nose and I said, "Can you say booger?" "JUDAH" instantly came out of her mouth!!! I had a good laugh with that one! Judah is her favorite word to say! It may be because it's the word she most frequently hears me say!!! :-) She loves the chickens, weeding the garden with me (though I loose a few plants every time!), playing in the dirt and splashing in water. Every morning she climbs out of her crib, comes into my room and brings me my flip flops and glasses, smacks her lips, and stands there until I get her breakfast!! See Heath, who needs a dog?! :-)
Abiel is a beautiful young lady almost ready to turn 10! She is loving swim lessons, and dreaming about her summer that is full of fun! She is able to go to a summer camp that I went to as a kid and also a small camp in Oregon. She's looking forward to possibly taking ballet classes this fall and getting involved in 4-H. She continues to be my most social child and can make friends in the span of 3 seconds flat! It's pretty fun to watch. I don't know what I'd do without her. She is precious and extremely helpful.
So that's the kiddos. Heath is keeping busy by learning some new skills in videography and photography. He had the opportunity to be hired to do a promotional video for a local company and it turned out incredible. It seems God is opening some avenues for Heath to incorporate more of his artistic abilities into some of his dreams for the future. I'm really excited for him. He continues to be a blessing and light in his work place and pretty much where ever he goes. Though this isn't his ideal place in life, he is very much alive and moving forward with what God puts before him. He is a faithful man of God who works hard and brings Jesus whether he is in formal ministry or the business world. By the way, his birthday is June 28th. He loves encouragement as we all do, so if you think of it, send him an email and let him know how much you appreciate him!
I am in resting heaven!! I never thought I'd be able to say that raising four kids is resting!! But I guess after the chaotic life of our previous years, I'm able to say this is a piece of cake, comparatively! Heath does a great job of giving me breaks. About once a month, I spend the night at our friends house for some peace, quiet, and soaking time with Jesus. It has been so healing for me. This weekend, I am going away for 2 nights to just BE! I don't even know what I'll do with all that time and space, but I plan on enjoying every moment with Jesus all to myself!
As I feel like I'm coming to life, I'm being able to "see" the world around me again. As everywhere, there is a fairly large homeless population in the area. Several weeks ago, Serenity and I (when the coulombes were still visiting) met a lady named Laurie. She needed help with food. So we were able to take her to the grocery store and bless her. She also very humbly shared that she was sleeping in her car and at the moment it was stranded in the Walmart parking lot, needing a new water pump. I told her I'd be back in a couple days to help her with it and gave her my number. The next day the kids and I decided to meet Heath for dinner at In -n- Out Burger. As I walked in, there was Laurie. I grabbed her and gave her a big hug and said, "Hey Jesus really wants us to be friends! Do you want to have dinner with us?" And that was the beginning of my friendship with Laurie.
Over the last several weeks, I have met with Laurie for a few meals. I'm learning who she is. I'm hearing her needs. I'm enjoying just getting to know her and sharing who I am and who Jesus is with her. The other day when we were at lunch together I asked, "Who is Laurie?" She got the most innocent, childlike smile on her face and thought for a long time before responding. It was a precious moment of her just reveling in the fact that someone wanted to know her. Don't we all just want someone to know us?
Today I had the opportunity to help her get to Georgia to see her son graduate from National Guard Basic Training. She called me earlier this week wondering if I could help her get down there. Honestly, I wrestled. It's one thing to buy someone groceries. It's another thing to be someone's friend who has continual need. Just ask anyone who has been the friend of the Locke family.
I wrestled with whether or not I should help. So on the way to meet her, I heard the Lord ask me, "Could you give the money to Me?" "Of course. No problem." And then He answered me with this, "Then just find Me in Laurie's eyes tonight." Wow.
And as I drove I remembered all the times we were in need of getting somewhere and friends listened to Jesus and came through. Why is that any different? Is it more noble to give to a "missionary" than to give to a homeless friend? And again, I was reminded of all the times we've literally been homeless and if not for the generosity of friends and the family of God, we would've slept in our van too. Is it different? Maybe you could argue that the circumstances of homelessness were different. . . or maybe not. I wish you could've seen the joy, light and excitement in her eyes tonight as I sat across from her at In -n- Out, listening to her quiet but excited voice share about how amazed her son will be to see her there! And I had no problem finding Jesus in her eyes right there in that noisy, crowded restaurant.
Thank you Jesus for being among us. Thank you for showing us Your face. Thank you for giving us the privlege of being ministers of reconciliation. Thank you for giving us the job of reflecting Your glory with increasing measure. It is an honor to represent you to the world. Pour out your love into the hearts of Your people so in turn, Your people can pour your love out on the world around them.
We love you all,
emie for the locke fam
Friday, June 5, 2009
Quick thoughts
Sorry it has been so long . . . blah blah . . .
Of course all of you Facebookers will keep up to date with my wife and thus hear a quick on the fam.
Life is going great. We love our home and fields of Ag all around us.
Finally feeling like we are settling in.
I have been busy (late nights) creating a video of a local company. Finished last night or about 1am this morning.
Ministry is going awesome and I feel bad we have not shared any stories.
I got to pray for a co-worker a few weeks back who was laying his head on the desk in intense migraine, sinus, and neck pain. He was only at work because he was head on vacation towards the end of the week and had to get his stuff done.
I asked to pray for him, he said sure (quick version). I prayed and he said it had gone down from a 7 pain level to a 5. So I prayed again, then he jumped up and yelled get away from me Heath you're a weirdo (half serious/half joking).
He was stunned because all the pain (and everything else attached to it) instantly left.
He sat there in silence and disbelief. I briefly shared the gospel of the Kingdom and smiled because once again Heaven had invaded earth.
Bless you all and until I write more stay socially connected with Emie on Facebook.
Of course all of you Facebookers will keep up to date with my wife and thus hear a quick on the fam.
Life is going great. We love our home and fields of Ag all around us.
Finally feeling like we are settling in.
I have been busy (late nights) creating a video of a local company. Finished last night or about 1am this morning.
Ministry is going awesome and I feel bad we have not shared any stories.
I got to pray for a co-worker a few weeks back who was laying his head on the desk in intense migraine, sinus, and neck pain. He was only at work because he was head on vacation towards the end of the week and had to get his stuff done.
I asked to pray for him, he said sure (quick version). I prayed and he said it had gone down from a 7 pain level to a 5. So I prayed again, then he jumped up and yelled get away from me Heath you're a weirdo (half serious/half joking).
He was stunned because all the pain (and everything else attached to it) instantly left.
He sat there in silence and disbelief. I briefly shared the gospel of the Kingdom and smiled because once again Heaven had invaded earth.
Bless you all and until I write more stay socially connected with Emie on Facebook.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Update on Tuesday nights
Here is another list someone from our group on Tuesday night put together for the last month or two.
It truly is amazing how the Lord continues to move and it takes an hour to share all the testimonies.
This list doesn't even take into account what has happened in the last two weeks and how individuals are experiencing God in fresh new ways.
If you are ever in town on a Tuesday night stop on in.
A families “awful bill”-$ arrived to pay
Sarah’s “dry bones” dream and her “let(ing) go”
Kristal bringing the presence of God in to client’s homes
Scott prays for Paul S’s knee and it is healed
Carrie S suitor “moves on” in answer to prayer
A ladies deliverance from the spirit of approval (intense)
Beth’s healing miraculously started
Lorie’s salvation, but still waiting on healing
Sarah’s dream about Debbie and Stephanie, the next day Debbie calls! Haven’t talked for a couple years.
Kelly’s dream about Diane J, sister, acupuncture
Susan’s Mom’s liver cancer healed (“the doctor can’t find the tumor”)
Shawna’s brother Anthony miraculously healed (2 knife wounds, one cut artery, “death” sentence, “certain brain injury” sentence, nurses confession of “miracle”, complete healing started, BSSM students “show up” to pray with Shawna as she prays for help)
Prophetic word about Anthony being a light and testimony to all his family
Shawna’s mother (pre-saved) thanks group for praying for Anthony!
Financial release for family that also blessed someone else
Resurrection of Christina and Adam’s baby (in womb) after Emie prays
Scott prays for a stabbed hand at The River (Church) and it is healed
Beginning of Casey/Christina’s reconciliation after night of warfare prayer
Kyle /Lesley’s “peace” answer to prayer regarding their future
Baby Benjamin’s miraculous continual healing & prophesies over his life.
It truly is amazing how the Lord continues to move and it takes an hour to share all the testimonies.
This list doesn't even take into account what has happened in the last two weeks and how individuals are experiencing God in fresh new ways.
If you are ever in town on a Tuesday night stop on in.
A families “awful bill”-$ arrived to pay
Sarah’s “dry bones” dream and her “let(ing) go”
Kristal bringing the presence of God in to client’s homes
Scott prays for Paul S’s knee and it is healed
Carrie S suitor “moves on” in answer to prayer
A ladies deliverance from the spirit of approval (intense)
Beth’s healing miraculously started
Lorie’s salvation, but still waiting on healing
Sarah’s dream about Debbie and Stephanie, the next day Debbie calls! Haven’t talked for a couple years.
Kelly’s dream about Diane J, sister, acupuncture
Susan’s Mom’s liver cancer healed (“the doctor can’t find the tumor”)
Shawna’s brother Anthony miraculously healed (2 knife wounds, one cut artery, “death” sentence, “certain brain injury” sentence, nurses confession of “miracle”, complete healing started, BSSM students “show up” to pray with Shawna as she prays for help)
Prophetic word about Anthony being a light and testimony to all his family
Shawna’s mother (pre-saved) thanks group for praying for Anthony!
Financial release for family that also blessed someone else
Resurrection of Christina and Adam’s baby (in womb) after Emie prays
Scott prays for a stabbed hand at The River (Church) and it is healed
Beginning of Casey/Christina’s reconciliation after night of warfare prayer
Kyle /Lesley’s “peace” answer to prayer regarding their future
Baby Benjamin’s miraculous continual healing & prophesies over his life.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Got fired? Good!

Nathaniel Hawthorne went home to tell his wife that he had just been fired from his job. "Good," she said. "Now you can write your book." "What do we live on meanwhile?" Hawthorne asked. His wife opened a drawer filled with money. "I have always known that you are a man of genius," she said. "So I have saved a little each week, and now I have enough to last for a year." Hawthorne used the time to write The Scarlet Letter, one of the greatest masterpieces of American literature.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Hello Dear Team Africa!!
I think I'm ready to come out of hiding . . . for a few minutes anyway!
I can't believe it has been an entire year since we landed back on the soil of good ol' US of A. And it has taken that entire year to recover! As I have been reflecting on our time in Africa and the few months following our return to the States, I am in complete awe and unexplainable thankfulness for how the Lord used you, our incredible team, to support, love, pray for, and bring us to a place of rest and refreshing again. YOU ARE INCREDIBLE!! And I'm not just saying that!
We have met many, many missionaries in our journeys over the years. Many of their stories of their support systems are very sad. Often missionaries get sent out with a big fan fare, rarely to hear from their supporters or "team" during their difficult days on the field and ESPECIALLY upon their return FROM the field. Many feel they cannot be real with their supporters for fear of losing necessary funding. Because of our anonymous giving, we felt total freedom to give you our yuck! And we did! And you responded in such love and grace, we just can't imagine it being any other way! Thank you for helping to make our experiences very different from those who feel so isolated in their service in foreign lands.
As we left for Africa two years ago, we were sent out miraculously as God used you to provide the necessary finances to get on the plane with our 17 bags and 3 kids! Once in Africa, we never once felt abandoned. You were faithful to email just at the right time (Praise God for technology. . . 25 years ago, that would've been impossible!!). You would email things God was asking you to pray for and it was SPOT ON! Many of you, I was able to build wonderful relationships with as email prayer pals! We were truly surrounded in prayer. And we always had what we needed monetarily. There were weeks it would look slim, but then God would prompt someone to give and we'd have exactly what we needed . . . over and over again. And as Heath has updated once before, we "made" more money as missionaries than he is making at a "real" job! That is miraculous and such a testimony to your faithfulness to care for us and respond to God in giving when He prompted. THANK YOU!
Mozambique was an incredibly rich experience for all of us, while South Africa proved to be much more trying. The uncertainly of what we were doing there, how long we were to be there and what was next, ON TOP OF having our 4th baby, made the stress of missionary life very difficult. Yet once again, we never felt abandoned by God or by you, HIS Body! Over and over your prayer confirmation was direction for us as the Holy Spirit would tell you things only He and we knew!
The love and care that we were given from Kent and Shay at the Ehmke house (the one we lived at in South Africa) and the friendship and fellowship from Richard and Sheila and others in Nelspruit was invaluable. Thanks so much for loving us and enduring with us through our difficult days! I was a basket case to be sure!
God's provision through YOU to get us back to the US was another amazing miracle. And everything preceding our landing in Portland, Oregon was the love of God manifested tangibly through you! Two weeks prior to leaving South Africa, we had no where to live upon returning home. Then God shows up through Mike Thaler and offers us a beautiful place to stay for 3 months! We got "home" and the house was set up and livable, complete with towels, sheets, beds, crib, soap, shampoo, dishes, warm clothes and a month and a half supply of food! For all of you who were part of that, we will never forget it. You blessed us beyond what we could've thought or asked for at that point. You provided a place for us to come home to and we felt anything BUT abandoned by our friends and team!
Those three months were so difficult in the reverse culture shock and wondering what the heck we were supposed to do next! Yet again, we had you to cry with, sob our guts out with, tell our jaded, processing thoughts to and to pray with! You know who you are! Thank you for letting us be so real. It made our restoration process so much quicker than it could've been. From toilet paper and diapers to friends GIVING US their mini-van, we couldn't recount all the ways that YOU, our friends and teammates have given to and been there for us.
Thank you to all of you who housed us, loved us, supported us financially through those awkward months. The Truaxs, Stagers, Bocseris, Kinds, and then the Georges whom we told we'd be there for 2 weeks and left 3 months later!!!!! I'm telling you, our friends are full of hospitality. We have so many crazy, unbelievable stories of true hospitality and the family of God working and providing for other parts of the body, it's bizarre!!
We truly have not taken any of your love, gifts, prayers, hospitality, financial support, and most of all friendship for granted. And I know in my attempt to give honor to you, our friends and supporters, I will miss mentioning some really big things, moments, or gifts. But they are not forgotten in our hearts and minds. My journals tell it all!
And as we could never repay you for such acts of love and kindness and sometimes sheer obedience, we continually pray that the Lord will bless you beyond what you could imagine for the sacrifices of friendship and love and gifts given to us for the Kingdom of Heaven.
It has been a wonderful 5 months of living in our own little house, with our own little space and our own little family. The Lord told me this would be a greenhouse time for our family where he was tenderly caring for and growing us in order to send us out again. It has truly been this. I am coming alive again and loving life again! YEAH GOD! Hiding has been the best thing in the world for me and the kids . . . a little rough on Heath but he's enduring for our sake!! Ministry, though on a much smaller scale, continues to be amazing as we meet on Tuesday nights to pray. The Presence of God and power of the Holy Spirit is just amazing.
And the biggest miracle of all is that I am LOVING and fully embracing the role of motherhood like never before in my 10 years of marriage. God had to take me through the last 3 years to bring me to a place of fully surrendering my heart and this time in my life to Him by giving it to my family wholeheartedly.
So thank you. Thank you, thank you, and thank you. Forgive my hiding! I will return (it may be 17 years from now but I will return!!). Jesus is ministering to us and continuing to minister through us. Someone asked me if I'm enjoying living in California. I said, "I would've enjoyed living on the moon at that point! I just needed somewhere to LAND for a longish period of time!" So yes, I'm enjoying Cali, but most of all, I'm enjoying routine, stability and hiding! This is the first time in 10 years of marriage where all I have to think about is my family! I think I'm considering this my sabbatical!
Ok, that's enough for one "outing!" Love and blessings and abundant LIFE to you all! We LOVE YOU!
Emie for the Locke Family
Monday, March 2, 2009
Abraham Lincoln on Finances
Dear Johnston:--
Your request for eighty dollars, I do not think it best to comply with now. At the various times when I have helped you a little, you have said to me, "We can get along very well now," but in a very short time I find you in the same difficulty again. Now this can only happen by some defect in your conduct. What that defect is, I think I know. You are not _lazy_, and still you _are_ an _idler_. I doubt whether since I saw you, you have done a good whole day's work, in any one day. You do not very much dislike to work, and still you do not work much, merely because it does not seem to you that you could get much for it. This habit of uselessly wasting time, is the whole difficulty; and it is vastly important to you, and still more so to your children, that you should break this habit. It is more important to them, because they have longer to live, and can keep out of an idle habit before they are in it easier than they can get out after they are in.
You are now in need of some ready money; and what I propose is, that you shall go to work, "tooth and nail," for somebody who will give you money for it. Let father and your boys take charge of things at home--prepare for a crop, and make the crop; and you go to work for the best money wages, or in discharge of any debt you owe, that you can get. And to secure you a fair reward for your labor, I now promise you that for every dollar you will, between this and the first of next May, get for your own labor either in money or in your own indebtedness, I will then give you one other dollar. By this, if you hire yourself at ten dollars a month, from me you will get ten more, making twenty dollars a month for your work. In this, I do not mean you shall go off to St. Louis, or the lead mines, or the gold mines, in California, but I mean for you to go at it for the best wages you can get close to home, in Coles County. Now if you will do this, you will soon be out of debt, and what is better, you will have a habit that will keep you from getting in debt again. But if I should now clear you out, next year you will be just as deep in as ever.
You say you would almost give your place in Heaven for $70 or $80. Then you value your place in Heaven very cheaply, for I am sure you can with the offer I make you get the seventy or ighty dollars for four or five months' work. You say if I furnish you the money you will deed me the land, and if you don't pay the money back, you will deliver possession-- Nonsense! If you can't now live _with_ the land, how will you then live without it? You have always been kind to me, and I do not now mean to be unkind to you. On the contrary, if you will but follow my advice, you will find it worth more than eight times eighty dollars to you.
Affectionately your brother,
Your request for eighty dollars, I do not think it best to comply with now. At the various times when I have helped you a little, you have said to me, "We can get along very well now," but in a very short time I find you in the same difficulty again. Now this can only happen by some defect in your conduct. What that defect is, I think I know. You are not _lazy_, and still you _are_ an _idler_. I doubt whether since I saw you, you have done a good whole day's work, in any one day. You do not very much dislike to work, and still you do not work much, merely because it does not seem to you that you could get much for it. This habit of uselessly wasting time, is the whole difficulty; and it is vastly important to you, and still more so to your children, that you should break this habit. It is more important to them, because they have longer to live, and can keep out of an idle habit before they are in it easier than they can get out after they are in.
You are now in need of some ready money; and what I propose is, that you shall go to work, "tooth and nail," for somebody who will give you money for it. Let father and your boys take charge of things at home--prepare for a crop, and make the crop; and you go to work for the best money wages, or in discharge of any debt you owe, that you can get. And to secure you a fair reward for your labor, I now promise you that for every dollar you will, between this and the first of next May, get for your own labor either in money or in your own indebtedness, I will then give you one other dollar. By this, if you hire yourself at ten dollars a month, from me you will get ten more, making twenty dollars a month for your work. In this, I do not mean you shall go off to St. Louis, or the lead mines, or the gold mines, in California, but I mean for you to go at it for the best wages you can get close to home, in Coles County. Now if you will do this, you will soon be out of debt, and what is better, you will have a habit that will keep you from getting in debt again. But if I should now clear you out, next year you will be just as deep in as ever.
You say you would almost give your place in Heaven for $70 or $80. Then you value your place in Heaven very cheaply, for I am sure you can with the offer I make you get the seventy or ighty dollars for four or five months' work. You say if I furnish you the money you will deed me the land, and if you don't pay the money back, you will deliver possession-- Nonsense! If you can't now live _with_ the land, how will you then live without it? You have always been kind to me, and I do not now mean to be unkind to you. On the contrary, if you will but follow my advice, you will find it worth more than eight times eighty dollars to you.
Affectionately your brother,
Thursday, February 19, 2009

I have been pondering lately what Jesus meant when he said, "abundant life". Does it merely speak of "spiritual" things? Or does it encompass all aspects of life?
This season of "rest" has allowed me (and Emie) to grasp aspects of life in abundance! I will share what I am learning in 5 areas and they all happen to start with an "F".
Nothing profound, but then again all that is found in Jesus is more than nothing.
F5-coming soon!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Death stinks so pour on the perfume!
I was reminded a couple weeks ago how Jesus doesn't answer Mary and Martha's prayer to come before Lazarus dies. He waits until he's dead (which twists our theology). He finally shows up, Martha comes out and says, "Lord, had you been here my brother would not have died." Jesus explains he will rise again, Martha says she knows he will rise on the resurrection day. Jesus explains that He is the resurrection. Then Martha leaves to get Mary.
The scripture says Jesus waited. He did not move from that place!
Martha comes to the house where Mary and friends are mourning Lazarus' death. Martha tells Mary that the Master wants to see her (which we don't know if Jesus actually said this, maybe Martha wasn't getting the results she wanted).
Mary runs out to meet Jesus (the house follows); she falls at His feet and says, "Lord, had you been here my brother would not have died." Martha and Mary say the exact same thing, word for word! Yet Martha moved Jesus to an intellectual conversation about the resurrection (who happened to be standing in front of her) and Mary moves Jesus to say, "Let's go raise the dead!"
Both women had a relationship with Jesus but one met Jesus and wanted to talk about the resurrection and the other wanted The Resurrection. One didn't fully grasp there was more Jesus was attempting to reveal in his conversing and the other grasped fully the revealed Jesus. One came to Jesus alone; the other brought a house full to His feet. One was concerned Lazarus would stink and the other wanted him alive. One still served lunch at Lazarus' "dead raising party" while the other poured $40,000 worth of perfume over Jesus' feet.
We all come to Jesus at the same place just not the same way! If our "coming" only brings conversations and not The Resurrection then let's get out the perfume and not worry if it stinks!
The scripture says Jesus waited. He did not move from that place!
Martha comes to the house where Mary and friends are mourning Lazarus' death. Martha tells Mary that the Master wants to see her (which we don't know if Jesus actually said this, maybe Martha wasn't getting the results she wanted).
Mary runs out to meet Jesus (the house follows); she falls at His feet and says, "Lord, had you been here my brother would not have died." Martha and Mary say the exact same thing, word for word! Yet Martha moved Jesus to an intellectual conversation about the resurrection (who happened to be standing in front of her) and Mary moves Jesus to say, "Let's go raise the dead!"
Both women had a relationship with Jesus but one met Jesus and wanted to talk about the resurrection and the other wanted The Resurrection. One didn't fully grasp there was more Jesus was attempting to reveal in his conversing and the other grasped fully the revealed Jesus. One came to Jesus alone; the other brought a house full to His feet. One was concerned Lazarus would stink and the other wanted him alive. One still served lunch at Lazarus' "dead raising party" while the other poured $40,000 worth of perfume over Jesus' feet.
We all come to Jesus at the same place just not the same way! If our "coming" only brings conversations and not The Resurrection then let's get out the perfume and not worry if it stinks!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
A Little Rhyme
While driving to work this morning a rhyme came to my mind.
Gas is going up
We're all going broke
We don't know what's coming
But the Anti-christ is stoked.
Ok, ok don't quit my day job, I know.
Gas is going up
We're all going broke
We don't know what's coming
But the Anti-christ is stoked.
Ok, ok don't quit my day job, I know.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
What about Medicine?
A buddy asked me a great question that I thought many others are pondering.
"If you have time, I’d love to hear your thoughts on it. If a closed ear or back pain (etc, etc) is a spiritual issue (sin / enemy, etc), how is it that medicine sometimes heals those things (w/o prayer, etc)? Does this imply that sometimes it’s not a spiritual issue/problem but a physiological problem?"
Great question. My quick thoughts on that are this.
There are supernatural laws and natural laws. The natural law works and can be effective until a greater law comes. For example, the law of gravity is very real unless the law of flight collides with it. So medicine (which I think is great) works until a greater law (supernatural) supersedes it. So people can be cured by natural medicine but a more REAL truth is that supernatural healing supersedes. It also makes me wonder if medicine is more spiritual then we think. It is in places like Africa. Maybe we have been deceived here in the Western world and divided the two when in reality they co-exist.
The reason we have sickness and pain is the result of sin (you know that). What I am not saying is that someone’s pain/sickness is from their sin (though it could be at times). Rather we live in a spiritually dead world and the results only, always bring death/sickness/sin. When we pray for healing there are physical things happening (ears opening) but it is helpful for me to remember that was not the original intent from God (and we can change it b/c he has given his Bride the authority).
We were created Spirit beings that would never die. Spiritual death brought sin and sickness. And Jesus destroyed that on the Cross, we believe and receive. We now through Christ will never die, because we are spirit beings. We have bought into the idea that we are first physical and then spiritual, scripture is clear on that though. This body is only a container of who we are, spirit. That is why the spirit is dead (who we were truly meant to be) and we attempt to "live" from our soul, until the truth is revealed and our Spirit is born again (it was first born into death and now born again unto LIFE).
Physiological problem? Yes, the mind. Don't be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. That is why it is so important to meditate on the Word. IT is truth not what we are feeling or believing.
For example this is why I don’t believe counseling works. The truth is that Jesus says we are dead and everything has been made NEW! Old is gone, the flesh is dead. We are free, we must believe and walk in it even when the enemy comes and communicates something else. We don’t really believe Jesus has recreated us, because we don’t understand the reality of the enemy who is continually attacking our identity. Which he did to Jesus! But God confirms who Jesus is, “this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.” Then he is led into the desert to be tempted.
We are new creations that live from the spiritual realm out so let's not allow the enemy to give us what the Lord has destroyed. The Gospel is power unto salvation, deliverance and healing.
Remember it is our faith that PLEASES Him!
Hope that answers some of your question. Please keep asking. Sorry I may have gone down a few rabbit trails.
Some responses from friends:
“Consider exploring the counseling thing a bit further. I believe you are right that it doesn't work to completely heal someone. But for some, I think it can help. It doesn't exactly heal; it's more like an emotional tourniquet until they are healed by God. In some ways, perhaps the counseling is more 'practice' on how to speak and listen. When someone is completely shut down and turned off, they can't (or won't) hear anyone. Sometimes including God. Sometimes the presence of a counselor gives the person 'permission' to begin to admit to the nasty things living inside them. But frequently counseling becomes an all-about-me-fest. It's up to the individual not to go there (or at least live there). I look at counseling like taking pain medicine. It may help lessen the symptoms to help you think more clearly about how to treat the cause - but it isn't a cure unto itself. ...and be careful you don't become an addict.”
“Some thoughts about Meds.
Meds only cover the symptom, not the issue. The issue is Evil, and no med can remove it. That is the part of any sickness or disease or Ungodly thing.
Some times it helps because it gets our mind off of the pain or ill feeling or fear, but only by deadening our senses. Hence when we focus on our “pain” (or sin for that matter of fact) we allow it to win the affection of our heart and we “trust in it”.
“You (Lord) will keep in perfect peace (Shalom) the mind that is fixed on you, because he trusts in you.”
Mind is fixed on what I am trusting in! So the deadening of our senses will allow a respite of the symptom and allow sleep or work or rest or even a chance to focus on the praise of our Lord!
The deadening of our senses is not a good thing over all as I believe God uses our senses to communicate with us. Thus “Pharmacia”, or witchcraft style potions and concoctions are to do just that, deaden our communication with the Father. I have turned to prayer after taking certain drugs, but have also found they get in the way of my communion with God, so I try not to take them.
I still use meds, but I have learned to trust God more by seeing what they do to me spiritually.
Theses are just my opinions, non scriptural, but experiential.”
"If you have time, I’d love to hear your thoughts on it. If a closed ear or back pain (etc, etc) is a spiritual issue (sin / enemy, etc), how is it that medicine sometimes heals those things (w/o prayer, etc)? Does this imply that sometimes it’s not a spiritual issue/problem but a physiological problem?"
Great question. My quick thoughts on that are this.
There are supernatural laws and natural laws. The natural law works and can be effective until a greater law comes. For example, the law of gravity is very real unless the law of flight collides with it. So medicine (which I think is great) works until a greater law (supernatural) supersedes it. So people can be cured by natural medicine but a more REAL truth is that supernatural healing supersedes. It also makes me wonder if medicine is more spiritual then we think. It is in places like Africa. Maybe we have been deceived here in the Western world and divided the two when in reality they co-exist.
The reason we have sickness and pain is the result of sin (you know that). What I am not saying is that someone’s pain/sickness is from their sin (though it could be at times). Rather we live in a spiritually dead world and the results only, always bring death/sickness/sin. When we pray for healing there are physical things happening (ears opening) but it is helpful for me to remember that was not the original intent from God (and we can change it b/c he has given his Bride the authority).
We were created Spirit beings that would never die. Spiritual death brought sin and sickness. And Jesus destroyed that on the Cross, we believe and receive. We now through Christ will never die, because we are spirit beings. We have bought into the idea that we are first physical and then spiritual, scripture is clear on that though. This body is only a container of who we are, spirit. That is why the spirit is dead (who we were truly meant to be) and we attempt to "live" from our soul, until the truth is revealed and our Spirit is born again (it was first born into death and now born again unto LIFE).
Physiological problem? Yes, the mind. Don't be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. That is why it is so important to meditate on the Word. IT is truth not what we are feeling or believing.
For example this is why I don’t believe counseling works. The truth is that Jesus says we are dead and everything has been made NEW! Old is gone, the flesh is dead. We are free, we must believe and walk in it even when the enemy comes and communicates something else. We don’t really believe Jesus has recreated us, because we don’t understand the reality of the enemy who is continually attacking our identity. Which he did to Jesus! But God confirms who Jesus is, “this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.” Then he is led into the desert to be tempted.
We are new creations that live from the spiritual realm out so let's not allow the enemy to give us what the Lord has destroyed. The Gospel is power unto salvation, deliverance and healing.
Remember it is our faith that PLEASES Him!
Hope that answers some of your question. Please keep asking. Sorry I may have gone down a few rabbit trails.
Some responses from friends:
“Consider exploring the counseling thing a bit further. I believe you are right that it doesn't work to completely heal someone. But for some, I think it can help. It doesn't exactly heal; it's more like an emotional tourniquet until they are healed by God. In some ways, perhaps the counseling is more 'practice' on how to speak and listen. When someone is completely shut down and turned off, they can't (or won't) hear anyone. Sometimes including God. Sometimes the presence of a counselor gives the person 'permission' to begin to admit to the nasty things living inside them. But frequently counseling becomes an all-about-me-fest. It's up to the individual not to go there (or at least live there). I look at counseling like taking pain medicine. It may help lessen the symptoms to help you think more clearly about how to treat the cause - but it isn't a cure unto itself. ...and be careful you don't become an addict.”
“Some thoughts about Meds.
Meds only cover the symptom, not the issue. The issue is Evil, and no med can remove it. That is the part of any sickness or disease or Ungodly thing.
Some times it helps because it gets our mind off of the pain or ill feeling or fear, but only by deadening our senses. Hence when we focus on our “pain” (or sin for that matter of fact) we allow it to win the affection of our heart and we “trust in it”.
“You (Lord) will keep in perfect peace (Shalom) the mind that is fixed on you, because he trusts in you.”
Mind is fixed on what I am trusting in! So the deadening of our senses will allow a respite of the symptom and allow sleep or work or rest or even a chance to focus on the praise of our Lord!
The deadening of our senses is not a good thing over all as I believe God uses our senses to communicate with us. Thus “Pharmacia”, or witchcraft style potions and concoctions are to do just that, deaden our communication with the Father. I have turned to prayer after taking certain drugs, but have also found they get in the way of my communion with God, so I try not to take them.
I still use meds, but I have learned to trust God more by seeing what they do to me spiritually.
Theses are just my opinions, non scriptural, but experiential.”
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
My perspective on Healing
After sending out the last update I received an email asking me to pray for an individual. Which I will of course, but it is more fun if you get to. So I have put together a quick reference card :) on my view of healing. I will better it later but some of you don't have time, people are sick.
If we all believe what Christ has for his Bride then we don't need specialist.
A simple straight forward version, I typed out over lunch.
First, I believe it is the Lords will to always heal. Not everyone is healed, but I do believe it is his will. Just like it is his will that "none should perish but all come to repentance", though not all do, but that is his will.
Second, God has allowed Satan to control this world (1 John 5:19). Adam and Eve gave over the control. That doesn't mean God's hands are tied behind his back b/c he defeated the enemy on the Cross (which is where we receive Salvation and Healing from, the second Adam "fixed" what the first Adam destroyed) it is now our role (the Bride who co-labor with Christ) to make on earth what is a reality in the Heavens. "My will on earth as it is in Heaven"
Third, God has given us all power and authority to push back the darkness and bring his Kingdom.
Fourth, the thief kills, steals and destroys. So when I pray for someone, I am not asking what is God's will (I believe Scripture is clear on what he desires, this is different then asking God for wisdom or insight into the situation) I am commanding (in Christ) the enemy (and his effects, back pain, sickness, etc.) to move/be gone/let go (how ever you want to say it).
Fifth, If I see things as spiritual and not physical the battle becomes much easier. We can open deaf ears because it is the result of sin and the enemy, not God. I see it as telling the demon to leave/move, get off their ear!
Six, It is believing what the Lord has said, despite our circumstances. It is so easy that non-Christians can perform miracles, prophecy and cast out demons (Matt 7) it takes faith. But we can do it and have relationship so we don't end up in hell. Praise the Lord.
Hope that gives some perspective. Pray with confidence b/c you know Jesus (he knows you) and he has disarmed the enemy.
If we all believe what Christ has for his Bride then we don't need specialist.
A simple straight forward version, I typed out over lunch.
First, I believe it is the Lords will to always heal. Not everyone is healed, but I do believe it is his will. Just like it is his will that "none should perish but all come to repentance", though not all do, but that is his will.
Second, God has allowed Satan to control this world (1 John 5:19). Adam and Eve gave over the control. That doesn't mean God's hands are tied behind his back b/c he defeated the enemy on the Cross (which is where we receive Salvation and Healing from, the second Adam "fixed" what the first Adam destroyed) it is now our role (the Bride who co-labor with Christ) to make on earth what is a reality in the Heavens. "My will on earth as it is in Heaven"
Third, God has given us all power and authority to push back the darkness and bring his Kingdom.
Fourth, the thief kills, steals and destroys. So when I pray for someone, I am not asking what is God's will (I believe Scripture is clear on what he desires, this is different then asking God for wisdom or insight into the situation) I am commanding (in Christ) the enemy (and his effects, back pain, sickness, etc.) to move/be gone/let go (how ever you want to say it).
Fifth, If I see things as spiritual and not physical the battle becomes much easier. We can open deaf ears because it is the result of sin and the enemy, not God. I see it as telling the demon to leave/move, get off their ear!
Six, It is believing what the Lord has said, despite our circumstances. It is so easy that non-Christians can perform miracles, prophecy and cast out demons (Matt 7) it takes faith. But we can do it and have relationship so we don't end up in hell. Praise the Lord.
Hope that gives some perspective. Pray with confidence b/c you know Jesus (he knows you) and he has disarmed the enemy.
Monday, January 12, 2009
God is moving or are we finally moving with God?
I know it has been to long since the last update but here is a little something.
Someone made a list of all that has happened at our Tuesday night meetings within the last 6 months or so. I thought you would like to know about them.
I have omitted names where it would be to personal (except for healings).
"Worship God. For the essence of prophecy is to give clear witness for Jesus." Rev. 19:10
1) Rose’s shoulder healed (China) after Scott’s vision (USA)
2) Scott’s knee healed after 17 years of pain
3) Cathy’s shoulder healed
4) Beginning of a healed marriage
5) Father/Son reconciliation started
6) Mike’s elbows healed (“spirit of stupid” broken off!)
7) A fathers conversion to Christ (or reaffirmation) before death
8) Mike’s knees healed after months of continual ache
9) Kelly’s elbow healed
10) Robert’s skin cancer healed (down payment for his Dad’s healing!)
11) A daughter reconciled with her parents (vision of red tractor & palm trees)
12) Grandma Irene’s back pain healed & she sleeps through the night for 1st time in months
13) A ladies relief from depression
14) Kelly’s migraine headache healed (spiritual battle)
15) A couples financial miracle in the “nick of time”
16) Confirmation of a young ladies call to the ministry
17) Spirit of rejection broken off
18) Spirit of foreboding broken off
19) Spirit of condemnation broken off
20) Glenn healed of Leukemia/kidney failure (“completely reversed” w/ “help”)
21) “Bonking ball” (glory of God) heals Kelly’s back in the night (she thought it was a dream)
22) A lady steps over the chain (prophetic word)
23) A young ladies “encounter” with God
24) Scott’s vision of young lady (above) w/ suitcase @ Bethel
25) Young lady (above) deliverance from worry
26) Young lady (above) series of miraculous provision (new life, housing, Bethel, etc.)
27) Prophesies over young couple (amazing)
28) Crystal’s grandma’s living situation including house selling in 1 day
29) A woman’s daughter’s engagement broken
30) A woman’s (above) son’s surgery successful
31) Prophesies over a couple (also amazing)
32) Couple (above) financial/legal court case resolved in their favor (as prophesied)
33) Emie’s back pain relieved
34) A husbands interest in spiritual things revived
35) Spiritual battle over a fathers funeral resolved by the Lord
36) Emie’s vision (call) to live with Georges while in Africa (God’s provision)
37) God provides the Locke’s with special deal on rental house!
38) Knee injury reversed after lady falls in Wal-Mart
39) A fathers relationship with his kids improving as prayed for
40) Mike’s brush pile healing w/ Ben, start of reconciliation w/ friend
41) A families “awful bill”-$ arrived to pay
Someone made a list of all that has happened at our Tuesday night meetings within the last 6 months or so. I thought you would like to know about them.
I have omitted names where it would be to personal (except for healings).
"Worship God. For the essence of prophecy is to give clear witness for Jesus." Rev. 19:10
1) Rose’s shoulder healed (China) after Scott’s vision (USA)
2) Scott’s knee healed after 17 years of pain
3) Cathy’s shoulder healed
4) Beginning of a healed marriage
5) Father/Son reconciliation started
6) Mike’s elbows healed (“spirit of stupid” broken off!)
7) A fathers conversion to Christ (or reaffirmation) before death
8) Mike’s knees healed after months of continual ache
9) Kelly’s elbow healed
10) Robert’s skin cancer healed (down payment for his Dad’s healing!)
11) A daughter reconciled with her parents (vision of red tractor & palm trees)
12) Grandma Irene’s back pain healed & she sleeps through the night for 1st time in months
13) A ladies relief from depression
14) Kelly’s migraine headache healed (spiritual battle)
15) A couples financial miracle in the “nick of time”
16) Confirmation of a young ladies call to the ministry
17) Spirit of rejection broken off
18) Spirit of foreboding broken off
19) Spirit of condemnation broken off
20) Glenn healed of Leukemia/kidney failure (“completely reversed” w/ “help”)
21) “Bonking ball” (glory of God) heals Kelly’s back in the night (she thought it was a dream)
22) A lady steps over the chain (prophetic word)
23) A young ladies “encounter” with God
24) Scott’s vision of young lady (above) w/ suitcase @ Bethel
25) Young lady (above) deliverance from worry
26) Young lady (above) series of miraculous provision (new life, housing, Bethel, etc.)
27) Prophesies over young couple (amazing)
28) Crystal’s grandma’s living situation including house selling in 1 day
29) A woman’s daughter’s engagement broken
30) A woman’s (above) son’s surgery successful
31) Prophesies over a couple (also amazing)
32) Couple (above) financial/legal court case resolved in their favor (as prophesied)
33) Emie’s back pain relieved
34) A husbands interest in spiritual things revived
35) Spiritual battle over a fathers funeral resolved by the Lord
36) Emie’s vision (call) to live with Georges while in Africa (God’s provision)
37) God provides the Locke’s with special deal on rental house!
38) Knee injury reversed after lady falls in Wal-Mart
39) A fathers relationship with his kids improving as prayed for
40) Mike’s brush pile healing w/ Ben, start of reconciliation w/ friend
41) A families “awful bill”-$ arrived to pay
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