Monday, January 12, 2009

God is moving or are we finally moving with God?

I know it has been to long since the last update but here is a little something.
Someone made a list of all that has happened at our Tuesday night meetings within the last 6 months or so. I thought you would like to know about them.

I have omitted names where it would be to personal (except for healings).

"Worship God. For the essence of prophecy is to give clear witness for Jesus." Rev. 19:10

1) Rose’s shoulder healed (China) after Scott’s vision (USA)
2) Scott’s knee healed after 17 years of pain
3) Cathy’s shoulder healed
4) Beginning of a healed marriage
5) Father/Son reconciliation started
6) Mike’s elbows healed (“spirit of stupid” broken off!)
7) A fathers conversion to Christ (or reaffirmation) before death
8) Mike’s knees healed after months of continual ache
9) Kelly’s elbow healed
10) Robert’s skin cancer healed (down payment for his Dad’s healing!)
11) A daughter reconciled with her parents (vision of red tractor & palm trees)
12) Grandma Irene’s back pain healed & she sleeps through the night for 1st time in months
13) A ladies relief from depression
14) Kelly’s migraine headache healed (spiritual battle)
15) A couples financial miracle in the “nick of time”
16) Confirmation of a young ladies call to the ministry
17) Spirit of rejection broken off
18) Spirit of foreboding broken off
19) Spirit of condemnation broken off
20) Glenn healed of Leukemia/kidney failure (“completely reversed” w/ “help”)
21) “Bonking ball” (glory of God) heals Kelly’s back in the night (she thought it was a dream)
22) A lady steps over the chain (prophetic word)
23) A young ladies “encounter” with God
24) Scott’s vision of young lady (above) w/ suitcase @ Bethel
25) Young lady (above) deliverance from worry
26) Young lady (above) series of miraculous provision (new life, housing, Bethel, etc.)
27) Prophesies over young couple (amazing)
28) Crystal’s grandma’s living situation including house selling in 1 day
29) A woman’s daughter’s engagement broken
30) A woman’s (above) son’s surgery successful
31) Prophesies over a couple (also amazing)
32) Couple (above) financial/legal court case resolved in their favor (as prophesied)
33) Emie’s back pain relieved
34) A husbands interest in spiritual things revived
35) Spiritual battle over a fathers funeral resolved by the Lord
36) Emie’s vision (call) to live with Georges while in Africa (God’s provision)
37) God provides the Locke’s with special deal on rental house!
38) Knee injury reversed after lady falls in Wal-Mart
39) A fathers relationship with his kids improving as prayed for
40) Mike’s brush pile healing w/ Ben, start of reconciliation w/ friend
41) A families “awful bill”-$ arrived to pay


1 comment:

Mrs. Incredible said...

Really cool! And fun to share with my mother-in-law. I pray all is well for you guys. God Bless!