Monday, December 4, 2006

Bringing God's Promises to Full Term!

The other day I had enough of waiting. I ripped all the grass seed out of our front yard. Sure, there were signs of green stuff but I wasn’t satisfied and it has now been over a month since I planted it. So I am starting over and this time I am expecting bigger results. I want insta-lawn.

In Matthew chapter 13 Jesus has full confidence in the seed that is being planted. He never doubts the effectiveness of His Word, because he would then doubt himself (in Galatians we know that the “seed” is Christ). It is the soil he has his reservations about. I am amazed in my own life how I can be so confident in “my soil” and doubtful concerning the seed of God’s Word. The Word of God is reliable; it is us who must obey to get the promised results. F.F. Bosworth says it like this; “God’s promises work their wonders while we see and act on eternal realities (on His promises, His faithfulness, etc.), as we refuse to be affected by temporal things to the contrary. God always fulfills his promise when He can get the right cooperation (Christ the Healer p.19).

The seed has been planted in the Locke family and we find ourselves waiting and contending for them. Heidi Baker has illustrated it like this, “don’t abort the promises of God over your life, bring them to full term.” The Lord has spoken many things to Emie and I, individually and as a couple, that have yet to come to pass. He has spoken prophetic words over our children that we have yet to see bear any kind of eatable fruit, until now.
As parents we raise our kids to become something. It is our desire to raise our kids to understand the reality of Christ and be willing to die for Him. Emie and I knew that this year for Abiel was instrumental in her life. The things she would experience during her 7th year would be monumental. The prophetic words given to her from the mouth of kids at her party was overwhelming enough. At the time of blowing out candles we would never have known she would be in Africa for 2 months, though this is what the kids were praying over her. If we parents would only listen to our children better.

Abiel has been on a ride these last 6 weeks. She has cried, laughed, and been happy and sad. When I spoke with her the other day she said, “Papa, the rainy season has come.” She went on to say that it has rained for two straight days, which for us from Oregon is nothing. She wanted me to also know that the one-inch worms that dig into your feet have also come out to play.

Well, I have not really torn out the front yard and to be honest it actually looks good. I know that Lord has given me this image to walk by every time I come in and out of the house. He doesn’t want my family (or any of us) to let go of his promises over us. We must hold on and obey until the Lord brings visual growth.

We are seeing the evidence come out of the seeds that have been planted in Abiel over the years. The other day one of the Iris staff members took all the kids that had come to Pemba with their parents and did some teaching on prophecy. I am not sure what they specifically had them do but I am sure it had to do with listening to the Holy Spirit. Well, Abiel’s gifting came out, she went around to all 12 students and gave them each a prophetic word. Then if that was not enough she came back to the house, looked at Emie and gave her a prophetic word from the Lord. Then she turned to our friend Lisa and gave her a prophetic word. And then she turned and went outside to play as if it was normal. I love kids!

“The ones who do the planting or watering aren’t important, but God is important because he is the one who makes the seed grow. The one who plants and the one who waters work as a team with the same purpose” (1 Cor. 3:7-8).

So become a fertile soil that allows the seeds to go deep and not allow the enemy to snatch them prematurely. Don’t rip anything out, in you or your kids, because God’s word is faithful and it will not return void. “Do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord, NO MATTER what happens. Remember the great reward it brings you! Patient endurance is what you need now, so you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has PROMISED” (Hebrews 10:35-36).

Blessings and have fun birthing those promises!