Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Here are a few pictures of schooling for Abiel and Judah with Asher running around in his crazy 2 year-old-I own the world-diaper displaying-superhero. He is becoming quit the little personality.
Abiel and Judah are doing great at school and love it, except for Judah when he decided he doesn't want go to school today, he must have gotten that from his mom (you will have to ask Emie how she managed to skip over 80% of her Senior year of HS and still was top honors).

The second foto is of the guys putting in our pathway to the back faucet and the fort we are constructing in our back yard.

More pictures to come. Bless you all


Anonymous said...

How sweet to check your site this afternoon and find NEW pictures! You are so sorely missed...it was wonderful to see some faces. Looking forward to more pictures and glimpses into your life in Pemba.

Grateful for you! kelley

Globegirl said...

Hi there. I'm really loving reading about your adventures...and your 2-year-old is a doll. That's a great picture, and warms my heart to see homeschoolers, as I homeschooled from 4th - 12th grade. God bless you and your family as you chase His heart.