Friday, May 23, 2008

Are you sent?

During a prayer meeting last Friday night, a friend asked all who were present, “Are you sent?” Many of us responded with a “yes”. Towards the end of the meeting, he brought the question back up pointing to a scriptural truth. If the Lord sends us, then those who receive us are also receiving the Lord. Much like when we receive a prophet we receive a prophet’s reward. He was wrestling with what it looks like to receive the Lord by receiving one who is sent.

At that time I was so focused on speaking at a Church about the supernatural, I failed to see the bigger picture the Lord was revealing to me. (I tend to catch things a bit late.) It hit me. We are not simply moving out of our barn, staying with friends for a few weeks in Washington and heading down to California for my brothers graduation, because we have no place to live. The Lord is sending us out.

Before returning from Africa only 3 months ago, the Lord impressed upon us traveling in the near future. At that time, it was due to our living arrangements . . . we thought. Once we got to Oregon, we were so exhausted spiritually, emotionally, and physically, we couldn’t even imagine trying to travel for months on end. We clung to the idea of stability. Maybe we began to get a bit too settled! Now we need to leave in June instead of July like we originally anticipated!

It’s clearer now. The Lord has set up “appointments” for us to connect, share and pray with people. So this next step is quickly turning into a missionary journey. With different people asking about prayer meetings, we could end up making a loop from Oregon to California to Texas, Colorado, Montana, Washington and back round again. What started out as, “we have no place to live, let’s go stay with relatives” has quickly become another adventure (don’t take it personally mom).

The Lord JUST provided a minivan for us!!! We were just GIVEN a minivan!!!!! I do believe the Lord never tires of shocking our socks off and blessing us beyond our imagination! THANK YOU to the two couples making this happen! June 1st is still our departure date from Oregon up to Vancouver for two weeks. From there, potentially Seattle for 2 weeks to start a prayer meeting, visit relatives and friends. Then we head to California for my brother’s graduation. From there we plan on visiting the many prayer meetings taking place through the ministry of friends. We are not sure how long we will be in each location, we are praying for some significant time at every place or until our hosts kick us out.

“Yes, I am sent.” I can confidently say that. As for what it looks like to receive, I guess you can tell us when we show up at your door.



Anna said...

YES! WE ARE SO GLAD about the minivan - Jesus never fails and we are glad you are going to be sent to us!
we love you!

mummers said...

Emie - do you remember Rada and Darin from our team (the crazy motorcycle driving Australians?) God set them up to come to America for a YEAR after Africa - all 7 or 8 of them. He provided a couple of places for them to speak and they just went on faith. Then when they came into our area a fellow gave them a mini-van to use while they were here and they ended up going all over the whole country, one meeting being a connection to the next couple down the road. God can SO do road trips! May God amaze and bless you on this next stint for the Kingdom!
Cindy Balon

Sharon Wolstencroft said...

This is so encouraging...especially as I've also been in this position many times, of 'having no where to live'...what a wonderful encouragement!! God bless you guys!!